The After Math

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On Harry's side, Ron was helping him clean up while Hermione was trying to figure out what happened.

"When did you even kiss Malia?" Hermione asked.

"I didn't. I only said it 'cause I was angry."

"Harry... Cedric and Malia had a thing going on... he heard what you said about the kiss. You just ruined their relationship over jealously," Hermione explained. "I know you didn't know so I'm sure Cedric won't be upset."

Harry sighed and tossed his head back. "I've ruined two relationships in not even twenty-four hours. Great."

"I'm sorry, mate," Ron smiled at him sadly.

"It's just... out of all people, him? She promised me nothing was going on between them and..." his voice broke a little. "She lied. Melody lied. Why am I even surprised."

"I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all of this," Hermione said hopefully.

"No there's not. Melody was mad and fucked Elijah because of it."

"We don't know that, Harry."

"I'd bet my life on it."

After McGonagall heard what went down in the hall, she forced the four into a therapy session with Delainy again. As of now, they were sitting on the long couch in front of her. Delainy had a pen between her teeth as she was reading over the previous notes she had taken on them. She then looked up at the group and took her pen from her teeth.

"Minerva told me a little of what happened but I don't think I fully understand. Could someone give me some input?" Delainy asked.

Cedric did not hold back. "Since Melody decided to fuck Elijah, Harry kissed a girl I really liked and now I'm pissed at both of them."

"I didn't kiss her!"

"That's not what you said earlier!" Elijah denied.

"Hey! What did I say about fighting in the office," Delainy shouted. "Now, Elijah, I'd like to hear your side of the story."

"Well, last night Daphne cheated on me and I went to Melody's dorm... she and Harry had broken up and then it just... happened."

"Uh-huh..." she wrote it down on a clipboard. "And do you have any romantic feelings for Melody?"

"No," he answered honestly.

"Now what about you, what happened from your perspective?" Delainy pointed her pen to Melody.

"Basically what Elijah said except Harry broke up with me 'cause he was jealous."

"I was not jealous! You promised me-"

"I swear if I hear one more thing about these damn promises," Melody grumbled.

"Don't make me repeat it," Delainy threatened. "Harry, tell me why you broke up with Melody."

"It was something that Dumbledore said..."

"Oh hell no. You actually listen to that old man?" Melody said disapprovingly. "And you call me delusional." She left the room. Everyone glared at Harry and shook their heads in disbelief.

"What?" Harry said now noticing their faces. "He gives good advice."

"Harry, he recommended kicking Melody and me out of school because of a situation that he thought he couldn't handle..." Cedric recalled. "His advice isn't always adequate."

"I'm with Cedric on this one, hun." She wrote something down. "You have bigger problems if you think Dumbledore gives good advice."

"Let me continue." From there, Harry explained his and Dumbledore's conversation from the day they arrived.

"Harry, yours is a simple fix: Never listen to Dumbledore. You're free to go," Delainy dismissed.

Harry sighed in relief and happily pranced out of the room.

"Elijah, from what you've told me, you're not even upset. We'll meet again next week. You're free to leave as well." He nodded and left. "Cedric, I want you to stay a few more minutes..." she narrowed her eyes. "There's something you're not telling me about Malia. Spit it out."

"It's not about Malia but it kinda results to her. Anyway, my ex-girlfriend, the one that was working with Bellatrix, her name is Quinn, and let's just say she really fucked me up. We dated for about nine months and she failed to tell me that she was betrothed to Draco Malfoy... then when I 'died', she left my sister and disappeared for some reason. She popped back up a year ago but left again."

"Cedric, I think the reason you don't believe Harry and Malia is because Quinn lied to you for so long about her betrothal to Draco Malfoy."

"I'm not gonna lie, it's hard for me to open up because of her. It's just-I trusted her and loved her and she betrayed me. I still don't know why she did it. I have the worst case of trust issues, don't I?" Cedric chuckled a little.

Delainy chuckled and said, "Your reasoning is definitely unique but you're not broken, Cedric. Here's your assignment: try to hear Malia out. We'll meet next week so you can report back to me. You can leave now."

Cedric thanked her on everyone's behalf and left the room


Theo's such a mood tbh

Theo would be that kid that records all the fights and posts them on instagram



Delainy's gonna be rich when she's done with those kids👩‍🦯

Whose side yall on??
I'm on Theo's side tbh

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