Saving Simon (Pt 2)

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Jace's POV(first person)

"Jace.... Simon", Freya reminded me for the hundredth time.
"I know, we can't just burst in, in the shadow world doing something without a plan gets you k-killed...", I said.
Like my ex, Evie.
I didn't like to talk about her much.
Evie was the complete opposite of Freya. She was bold, over dramatic, and extroverted. She had pale long blond hair, and deep blue eyes. Freya was more introverted, outgoing, but awkward.
I thought I loved Evie. We went on a mission, and Evie got overconfident. She died. Right in front of me. That's when I swore I could never date or love anyone again.
But when I met Freya, I questioned my supposed love for Evie. Her death still hurt, it always would. It had been a year since she had died. A year.
When I had met Freya, everything clicked. Everything made sense. She was mine. I was hers. And it would always be that way.
"Jace", Freya said, waving her hand in front of my face.
"My ex, Evie", I said.
"Yes...", she replied.
"She died, today, a year ago, I thought I could, could never love anyone ever again, I thought she was it.... but your my world Frey", I said.
"I'm s-sorry about Evie... I didn't mean to um...", Freya said.
She was too selfless for her own damn good. Always apologising for things she can't control.
"It's not your fault, s-she d-died, it's mine, I love you Frey", I said.
Freya walked towards me and held both my hands.
"Don't you dare blame yourself, Jace, ever. We will save Simon, leave, and anything that happens, happens, but what will never change is how much I love you", Freya said.
"Thanks", I said.
She leaned in and hugged me tightly.
"I'll always be there for you, whether you're my boyfriend or not", she whispered.
"So the plan...", I said, trying to break the tension in the atmosphere.
"We should both go later in the day, and take the west corridor...", I trailed on, explaining the plan.
20minutes later.
We had a solid idea of how to save Simon and ourselves.
From what my father had been planning, I wanted no part in it, after I knew the extents he would go to.
Using powerful warlock spells on Freya that could kill her. I would never let any harm come to her. Regardless of what I had to do, or who I had to face.
"We have approximately eight hours, till said mission, so what are we going to do?", Freya asked.
I raised my eyebrows.
"Tell me about Evie", Freya said.
"Are you sure... my ex?", I said, completely not expecting that.
Talking about Evie, ultimately helped me move on. There would never be anybody else now, but Freya.
"I... ummm... she was the complete opposite of you", I blurted out.
"Do you have a picture?", she asked.
"No..... every single one of my pictures are if you.... kinda creepy now I think...", sh*t I wasn't supposed to tell her that. I didn't think having 210 pictures of Freya on my phone was creepy.
"I... let's talk about something else", I said.
"Jace... I just wanted to make sure you were ok, spare my feelings", she said.
Damn, her selflessness amazed me, yet again.
"I'm alright, but are you?", I asked.
"Hmmm, well my boyfriend brought me to his evil psychotic father, and last night before you found me with Simon..", she said.
"Someone ambushed me, and claimed I was their...", Freya said.
"Their what?", I asked.
"Sister", Freya said.
What the.... but Freya had no siblings.
"Are you sure?", I asked.
"Positive", she replied.
Freya's POV (first person)
We were outside the cell Simon had been put in, and Jace was using an unlocking rune.
What he had told me about his... ex.... I felt so bad, terrible, and guilty. Jace was upset, and there was nothing I could do.
"Freya", Simon said.
He slowly got up, and stumbled towards me, he pulled me into a tight hug.
"Simon, I can't breathe", I said.
"I've missed you", he said.
He looked terrible. Pale, almost grey, like a walking, withering corpse, wasting away.
"Jace...", I said.
Simon swung his arm around Jace's shoulders, and we all stumbled down the narrow corridor.
I had a second sense, a crippling worry, we were being followed.
"Jace, Simon, run!", I screamed.
We all ran. My laces unravelled, and I fell flat on my face.
"Freya... leaving so soon", an unfamiliar voice called out.
My head started to pound, and I collapsed, welcoming the inviting darkness.

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