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Jace was angry. Freya thought he was using her, or she was using him. Apparently he didn't mean anything to her. But why should he mean anything to her? He barely knew her and yet he was deeply in love with her. It would only ever be Freya.
As soon as those words left her mouth, the whole 'guys are stupid for thinking that if she kissed them, they mean anything to her' speech, he kissed Clary.
The look on Freya's face was hurt, but she instantly turned blank and emotionless. As if the last concern on the earth was Jace kissing Clary.
He didn't even like Clary, in any way, she was obnoxiously annoying, but he kissed her to hurt Freya. His pride or feelings, or whatever the hell he felt was hurt by Freya's words. He was hurt.
"As I said about using people, that's just how I operate", Freya said.
"Tell Simon I would love to meet Chris, maybe Paul, Alex, Nate, Frank, Harry, James, John, Robert, Aidan, Jaden, Noah, Jake, Brad and Logan, can come as well?", Freya said, before storming off in the opposite direction.
Jace instantly flooded in panic. He had hurt her. He instantly regretted it. He needed to find her.
What could Freya possibly expect? She was angry, very angry.
Suddenly, out of absolutely nowhere her hands started to feel like they were on fire. She felt as if she was being electrocuted.
She heard her door burst open, and she saw Jace was panicking. Freya sank to her knees, and let the welcoming darkness overtake her.
Freya woke up with a piercing headache. And she felt someone's hand tightly holding hers.
"Jace?", she asked.
"No, it's Simon", Jace said mockingly.
"Simon you dyed your hair", Freya said.
She pulled her hand away from Jace's, and she turned around.
"Look, I know you're mad at me, but that's not what matters now", Jace said.
"I saw you, in your room, you were glowing, then you collapsed", Jace said.
"I can glow like a night light, fun", Freya said.
"You don't understand, it was angelic, heavenly fire", Jace said.
"The clave are going to want to question you, I haven't told Hodge what happened, but", Jace continued.
"I don't care, I don't care, just leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone", Freya said.
"I can't", Jace said.
"That's your problem", Freya said.
"You never know when to just stop, and just leave things how they are", Freya added.
"I didn't mean to kiss... no I meant to kiss Clary, on purpose", Jace announced.
"Wow! Just amazing", Freya said.
"I did it because, you f*ck, you hurt my, sh*t, why is this so hard, you, it felt like you hurt me, when you...", Jace said.
"When I said that guys always think that if I kiss them, I care about them, oh I meant what I said, so if you're looking for a f*cking apology ask Clary, because you've got the wrong girl", Freya said.
"I love, I love, I only care about you. I love you", Jace announced.
"My exes always say and I quote 'I love you', when I broke up with them. I've heard too many I love you's, for those words to actually mean anything to me", Freya said.
"I love you and only you", Jace said.
"No hard feelings Jace, but just because you claim you love me doesn't excuse you kissing my best friend", Freya said.
"I'm, I never", the look on Jace's face was heartbreaking, to say the least.
"Frey, I'm sorry", Jace said, mustering so much emotion, Freya was startled.
"Jace, I do not love you", Freya said.
Jace looked taken aback.
"I was just joking, how could I love you, you're just a helpless, worthless disgusting mess. I used you. And I did mean to kiss Clary", he said.
"Alright, why are you still here?", Freya asked.
"You do that a lot, by the way, say how you feel and try to say something hurtful afterwards", Freya said.
Jace still stood there, gaping and speechless.
"Mr statue! Is this the first time you've been rejected? how depressing", Freya knew she should stop digging, stop making things worse, but she couldn't care less in this moment.
"The Freya hate club has formed: staring Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, and Alec lightwood", Freya added.
Jace still stood there, still a motionless statue.
"I just make everyone hate me", Freya added.
Jace flinched. His face was turning bright red, and his hands were clenched in fists.
"I mean, since I'm a worthless, helpless, disgusting mess and all", Freya continued.
"Stop! Freya! Goddammit!", Jace bellowed.
"Stop what?", Freya asked.
"You know exactly what I mean! I love you! I can't even f*cking keep a straight face when I'm lying to you!", he shrieked.
"The sad part is you don't love me! I've never in my life had these intense feelings about anybody, stop making it hard Freya!", Jace screamed.
"It wasn't hard for you to kiss Clary", Freya said.
"It wasn't hard for you to say I don't mean anything to you!", Jace screamed, he was already pacing the floor in her room.
Freya slowly got out of her bed, her headache subsided. She slowly walked towards the door. She wasn't in a mood to argue with Jace. Maybe Isabelle can handle an argument match, but she couldn't.
Jace grabbed her arm, and pulled her back.
"Frey, say something, anything", Jace said.
"I do not know how to feel Jace, everything, it's just, my life is a mess", Freya said.
"I do not truly know how I feel about you, I care about you though", Freya said.
"They're two different things, I care about you- means if anything happens to you, I don't know what I'd do...", Freya said.
Before she could finish her speech, Jace was kissing her, his tongue lingered at her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth and invited him in. After kissing for a while, they both pulled away.
Freya smiled meekly and said, "what was that?".
"I can't kiss you, my love", Jace said mockingly.
"Say that again and I will slap you", Freya said.
"You.... you're", Jace said smiling brightly.
"Eros", it was Magnus.
"I was alerted by Alexander", Magnus said.
"Yes", Jace said.
"Give me your hand", Magnus said to Freya.
Freya stretched her hand out, and Magnus clasped it. Magnus' eyes shone a bright gold colour, then he immediately took a step away from Freya.
"This is, unexplainable", Magnus said.
"Adrian was right to be terrified", Magnus said.
"What is it?", Jace asked.
"I suggest someone constantly keeps an eye on her, 24 hour surveillance", Magnus said.
Freya shook her head. She imagined Jace following her around, in her room whilst she was sleeping, eating, showering. She wouldn't let this happen.
"Around?", Freya asked.
"Everywhere", Magnus said.
No way in hell would Freya allow that.
"Clary can do it", Freya said.
"Clary's preoccupied", Jace said.
"I believe Jace is probably the best option", Magnus said, before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
"No way, Wayland", Freya said.
"My love shall grow", Jace said.
"I swear Jace... I'll", Freya said.
Jace was already behind her, his arms around her waist.
"You'll what?", he whispered into her neck. He planted kisses on her neck, her collarbone...
Clary suddenly burst in.
"Freya...look", Clary said.
She saw Jace and Freya. She thought when Jace had kissed her, things were different. Clearly not. Freya always had boys wrapped around her little finger. Just for once, Clary wanted the boy to like her. Not Freya. It's always been Freya, it wasn't fair.
"I'm clearly interrupting something", Clary said.
Jace acknowledged Clary's presence, but he still continued to kiss Freya. Freya was supposed to be Clary's best friend. Now she was someone Clary couldn't even recognise.
Clary stormed off.

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