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3 weeks later.

Jace was already waiting for Alec in his room. He needed to know what was going on with Alec recently.
Whenever Jace wanted to talk to Alec, he was always magically busy.

The only person Jace had really spent time in the past couple weeks was his girlfriend.
Alec burst into his bedroom, and behind him was a laughing Clary.
"Look, Freya will choose you, Jace is an asshole", Clary said.
"Really clary?", Jace asked.
Clary looked taken aback, and so did Alec.
"Plotting against me, parabatai?", Jace asked.
"Not at all", Alec said, whilst smirking.
Clary had already left the room.
"Why have you been avoiding me?", Jace asked.
"Because.... I just have", Alec said.
"Frey... that's why", Jace said.
Alec got up to leave the room, but Jace stood in front of the door.
"It's because of Freya", Jace said.
Freya snuck out of the institute with Simon. Her and Clary weren't on speaking terms. After the whole argument over Jace, Clary had shown her true colors, and Freya didn't want to associate with her.
"Are you ever going to talk to Clary again?", Simon asked.
"I've decided, I don't want anything to do with her", Freya replied.
"Is this because of Jace?", Simon asked.
"Much more, it's just sad it took for me to meet Jace, to realise Clary isn't a good friend to me", Freya said.
"Understandable, you both clash a lot", Simon responded.
After the massive argument with Simon and Clary. Simon had been the only one to apologise. He pestered Freya, till she agreed to speak with him.
Clary stayed away from Freya.
They were walking through Central Park.
Suddenly out of nowhere, a pale, brunette guy, appeared out of nowhere.
"Freya Brightstar, so you didn't receive Valentine's warning, I pressume", he said.
Freya froze.
Freya heard Jace screaming, and calling out for her.
Jace saw the tall dark haired guy towering over Freya.
He ran towards her, and hauled her over his shoulder. Simon had already ran off. Or did he?
Jace ran into the institute, and closed the door.
"Are you out of your mind!", he roared.
Freya shrugged and smirked.
"Nope", she replied.
"You can't just run off like that, Freya valentine is after you", Jace said.
"I was bored", Freya said, knowing that would piss Jace off.
"To hell you were", Jace said.
"You should have found me... I could have entertained you...", Jace said.
"Sometimes I wonder, why oh why is my boyfriend such a creep", Freya said.
"I'm not a creep", Jace said defensively.
"I wonder if Alec's busy, you're annoying me", Freya said.
"Whatever Frey", Jace said.
"Where's Simon?", Freya asked.
"He ran off?", Jace asked.
"Valentine", Freya said.
Jace's POV- (written in first person)
After Freya had cursed me out in multiple languages. She tried to exit the institute.
It took, me, Alec and Isabelle to restrain a screaming, angry Freya. Clary was crying, and cursing Freya out.
Freya was about to attack Clary, till I stopped her.
"Jace, I will kill you, let go!", she bellowed.
"Let me go!!", she roared.
"Calm the f*ck down Freya", I said.
Freya managed to kick at Jace's legs and she ran towards the entrance of the institute.
Alec stopped her.
"Freya, stop", Alec said.
"If you don't move...", she warned.
I walked towards her.
"Frey... please calm down", I said.
"No", she replied.
Typical Freya. She's always stubborn.
"Pretty please", I said sarcastically.
"Jace Wayland and Alec and Isabelle lightwood, if you don't leave me alone...", she warned.
"You'll what?", Jace said, smirking.
I managed to escort a stomping Freya to her room.
I followed her in, before applying the locking rune on the door.
Freya was pacing the floor.
"Simon... Jace we need to..", Freya said.
"Find him... I know... Alec, Clary and Isabelle are going to Magnus for help, but you have to stay in the institute", I said.
"No thank you", Freya said.
She ran towards the door, and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.
"No one can come in, or out", I said.
"Great, 24hrs stuck in a room, with my obnoxious boyfriend", Freya said.
"You've got that right", Jace said.
"Ugh, you're so annoying", Freya said, whilst smirking.
"Freya can we talk about something", Jace said.
"What exactly?", Freya asked.
"You know I love you", Jace said.
"Yes", Freya replied.
"Be honest, do you have feelings for Alec", Jace asked.
"Jace.... no I don't, I know Alec is in love with me, but I don't love him", Freya said.
"I'm always in these situations", Freya said.
Jace arched his eyebrow.
"My love life is always a spiralling rollercoaster, you and Alec are warrior partners- brothers, and I come along and cause trouble", Freya said.
"I mean, I don't mean to cause trouble, it's not my fault... or it is..", Freya couldn't finish her sentence because Jace leaned in and kissed her.
"You did not do anything wrong", Jace said.
"I", Freya said.
Jace shook his head.
"You have the tendency of always blaming yourself", Jace said.
"I'm used to getting blamed for things, blaming myself just makes it easier", Freya said.
"It's not your always your fault... look we'll find Simon, I'll find Simon for you, I'd do anything for you", Jace said.
"For me and clary", Freya said bitterly.
"Are you ever going to forgive her?", Jace asked curiously.
"I don't need her in my life, she's just.... it's just sad it took me so long to realise she's never really wanted what's best for me, she's only ever cared about Simon. Simon is the only one who actually ever cared about me, if anything happens to him...", Freya said.
"I understand how you feel.. I honestly get it, I just wanted to know that it wasn't me stopping you from being friends with her", Jace said.
"It's not you", Freya said.

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