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Simon POV ( first person)
I woke up in a dingy dim lit cell. The floor was hard and damp, the walls were cracked and aged with decay and neglect. The rusted, withering bars of the cell door were invincible against my many efforts to escape.
I was worried about Freya.....
Jace had saved her.... I think. I prayed she would be fine... She always makes it through everything.
I heard distant footsteps approaching, and I backed against the wall.
I saw the tall brunette man, who had captured me, yielding a large pointed knife.
"So, Freya's little friend is awake", he said.
"Who are you?", I asked.
"A friend of Adrian", he responded bluntly.
"Your name", I added.
"That's none of your concern", he said, a menacing smile was growing on his face.
He opened the cell door, and directed me to follow him down a narrow corridor.
We were joined by a boy, around my age, with pale blond hair.
I was startled. He looked exactly like Freya.
"Jonathan what are you doing here?", the brunette man asked.
After the awkward conversation about Clary, the room had gone quiet for roughly 10 minutes. Till Jace broke the silence.
"Freya, have you ever....", Jace asked.
Freya knowing what he'd ask, shook her head.
"No", she said, her face turning bright red.
"I thought...", he said, smirking.
He walked towards Freya and whispered, "when the time is right, me and you can... you know".
"Can what?", Freya said, with a mischievous grin planted on her face.
"Have... you-know-you",Jace stammered.
Freya laughed uncontrollably.
"I don't know", Freya said.
Jace picked her up, and swung her over his shoulder. He ran around her room.
"Jace, put me down!", Freya said, whilst giggling.
Jace started to chuckle.
"Your laugh is adorable", he said.
He set her down, and looped his arms around her waist and kissed her.
"Jace, I'm worried", Freya said.
"Everything will be fine, eventually", Jace said.
"What do you mean by eventually?", Freya questioned, curious by his emphasis on that particular word.
Freya started to feel dizzy, her head was buzzing, and her vision started to blur.
"Jace..", Freya slurred.
"What- you- do?", she said, her speech becoming incoherent. Her legs started to wobble.
"You'll understand, when we meet my father", Jace said.
Freya fell, and Jace caught her.
He held her, and kissed her on the cheek, and whispered, "there, there, my love", before Freya slipped into the welcoming darkness.
"Magnus, is there anyway...", Clary asked.
Magnus was scratching his head, and looked incredibly lost in thought.
"Do you have anything of Simon's?", he asked.
"Yes", Clary said, pulling out a comic Simon frequently read.
Blue light pulsed out of Magnus' hands.
"Valentine must have used an anti-tracking spell", Magnus said, frustration and worry evident in his eyes.
Clary was worried, she had already lost one friend, and she couldn't loose another.
She just wanted things to go back to how they were several months ago. Her, Simon and Freya, all friends again. The troublesome trio.
Freya thought Clary didn't care about her, but it was the complete opposite. Freya was like a sister to Clary, and losing such a significant friendship, truly affected Clary.
Clary wanted nothing but to apologise, but something was holding her back.
The main reason, was, well, Jace. Clary couldn't get over him. But, he loved Freya.
Freya slowly opened her eyes. She woke up, in Jace's arms. He was walking at a very fast pace. They were outside the institute. Freya couldn't move.
"What did you do Jace?", Freya asked.
"You'll find out, soon, I promise, we'll tell you everything", Jace said.
"We?", Freya questioned.
"Me and my father, Valentine",Jace said.
"Seriously, what is it with me dating complete and utter psycho's", Freya said.
"Valentine is a murderer, he killed my father", Freya mumbled.
"How could you do this, Jace, if you truly loved me, you wouldn't do this, Clary was right about you", Freya said, venomously.
"You don't know anything, I would never hurt you", Jace said.
"You have...", Freya said.
"Frey... I love you", Jace said.
"Bull, absolute bull", Freya said.
Freya could feel an overwhelming sensation overtake her.
Next thing she knew, she was back in the institute, with a worried Jace hovering over her.
"Frey..", Jace whispered.
"Don't touch me!", she shrieked.
"What did I do?", Jace asked.
"What do you mean!", Freya roared.
"Where's Simon?", Freya asked.
"He's with Clary, why?", Jace asked.
"Jace, did Valentine", Freya asked.
"Leave a note... yes... you fainted, you've been out for 2 days", Jace said.
Freya realised she had seen the terrifying future. Simon in a cell, and Jace...turning against everybody.

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