Saving Simon (Pt 1)

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Freya's POV (first person)
I was approaching what looked like cells.
I saw Simon. And my heart sank.
He looked pale, his breathing was shallow, and every inch of his skin was covered in a bluish-green bruise.
I thought I heard footsteps, so instinctively, I jumped.
"Freya?", a voice unknown to me whispered.
"W-who...", I replied.
The person roughly shoved me against the wall, and glared at me.
"You are quite beautiful", they said.
"Who are you?", I asked.
"How sad, my own sister doesn't recognise me", they said.
"Huh?", I replied.
I tried to struggle out of there grip, but it was no use.
"Trying to save your little friend?", they asked.
"Who the f*ck are you, you creep, don't f*cking touch me, you asshole!", I shrieked bitterly.
I roughly kicked the person in the stomach, and they stumbled.
I ran towards the cell Simon was in, and unlocked it.
I heard another pair of footsteps trek down the narrow corridor.
Sh*t. Sh*t!
"Simon", I whispered.
His eyelids fluttered.
"Frey...", he replied.
"Can you stand up?", I asked.
Simon shook his head.
"Freya... what are you... Simon?", Jace said.
"Seriously? Your stupid mundane friend, that's why you've been acting weird, it's because you like him, isn't it", Jace said. He couldn't be serious.
"Get lost, asshole, Simon... wake up", I said gently shaking him. No. He'll be fine. He has to be.
"Frey... seriously, you chose this mundane over me", Jace said incredulously.
"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, Simon is unconscious, and I'm worried and scared he's f*cking dying, and me confessing my undying love for my best friend makes so much sense", I said.
"Frey.. calm down", Jace said, whilst holding my hand and squeezing it.
I hadn't realise I was crying, but I was sobbing. Jace held me, and whispered, "Simon will be fine".
"We'll come back tomorrow, and save him, then get the hell out of here, and go back to the institute, I promise", Jace whispered.
"It better not be an empty promise", I threatened, staring at him menacingly.
"We need to go... I can hear footsteps", Jace said.
"I can't just leave Simon", I said.
"Well in that case", Jace said.
He swung me over his shoulder, and he crept back to his room, and locked the door.
"Jace, put me down", I said.
"Don't sneak off again", Jace said.
"Don't tell me what to do", I huffed.
"Promise you won't leave, and I'll let go", Jace said.
"Fine", I said.
He literally let go, and I crashed onto the hard, wooden floor.
"Asshole", I muttered.
"Remember when I kissed Clary?", Jace said.
"Are you trying to p*ss me off?", I asked.
"No, but I was just remembering the hurt look on your face, I never want to... hurt you like that ever again", Jace said.
"I don't think you understand how badly I love you... it's dangerous Freya, for me to love you as much as I do... when I was younger I heard about 'forbidden love', shadowhunters who fall too deeply in love go crazy, literally", Jace said.
"I love you too much", Jace said.
"Soo... we should.... break up?", I asked.
"Nope, you're sadly stuck with me for life", Jace said.
"What if I cheat on you?", I asked teasingly.
"You wouldn't", Jace replied sarcastically.
"How would you know?", I asked.
"My ex Chris had very nice eyes, and he was quite tall", I said.
"Oh shut up Frey...", Jace said, smirking.
"He was a good kisser", I added.
Jace tackled me, and crashed his lips on mine.
"Who was a good kisser?", Jace asked.
"Aidan, had a decent haircut", I replied, whilst arching my eyebrow.
Jace snaked his arms around my waist, and pulled me in and kissed me fiercely. He abruptly pulled away.
"Who had a nice haircut?", he asked.
I shrugged
"That's what I thought", Jace said.

Authors note
Hi guys! I updated! I decided to add a new chapter because why not?
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