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Freya's POV (first person)
I sprinted down the narrow corridor, and saw a window, widely agape. Why was I always in such bad situations?
I aimlessly, ran towards it, each step, a step closer to freedom. I slid out of the window, surprised it was not far from the ground.
I leaped out, and landed in an uncomfortable crouch, and I slowly stood up, and sprinted down the cobblestone pathway.
I was definitely not in New York.
Jace's POV (first person)
Stressed. Worried. Stressed. Worried.
The only two things I was feeling. Stressed and worried.
Every single thought centred around Freya. I was a nervous wreck, but I had to find her.
"England?", Alec asked for the sixteenth.
"Harry Potter lives there", Clary commented.
I narrowed my eyes.
"Shut up", Alec replied.
"Where, exactly in England?", Alec asked.
"Kent", I replied.
"Is it true they live off of tea in England?", Clary asked.
"Can you shut up!", Alec yelled.
"The love of my.... Freya is missing, we need to focus", Alec said.
The love of his what?
"The love of your what? Do enlighten me, Alec", I said sarcastically.
"It's all your f*cking fault! She might be dead, for all we know!", Alec shrieked, rage dripping off of his every word.
Anger, suddenly clouded my every thought.
"Don't you dare.... you love my girlfriend, you.... she doesn't love you back, and you still act like a pathetic coward hoping one day, she'll ever feel the same way?!", I shrieked, I had gone too far.
"She's not really worth all the fuss", Clary suddenly said.
"Shut up! What kind of friend are you? Freya's in danger, and you make stupid jokes, and laughing....when we find Freya... I swear.... if you ever try to speak to her...", Me and Alec shrieked at the same time.
"Freya just uses boys for her own entertainment, you're both stupid for getting so attached, all Freya does is use people", Clary said bitterly.
"Clary, you're just a jealous, bitter person, who always wants thing to be their way, I don't love you.... I love your 'best friend' Freya, get that in your head, me and you will never happen", I shouted back.
"Everyone.... be quiet!", Isabelle yelled.
"Magnus thinks he can help track Freya", Isabelle said.
"You guys have fun, I'm checking on Simon", and with that Clary left.
"Jace....", Isabelle said.
"Let's go", I said.
Isabelle's POV( first person)
To say Alec and Jace were acting awkward was an understatement.
I was confused, and shocked.
Alec loved Freya. That was news to me. I wanted what was best for Alec, but this toxic love triangle, with Jace, and Freya at the centre of it wouldn't end well. Someone would end up hurt, or worse.
I wasn't very close with Freya, personally, but she had quite a strange character. She was extroverted and introverted, shy and outspoken. She was quite hard to read.
I needed to fix this, before this drives a drift between Alec and Jace. They're parabatai.
Jace was walking in front, so I saw this as an opportunity to talk to Alec.
"Alec, do you actually love her?", I asked, being blunt, and cutting straight to the chase. There was no point on beating around the bush.
"Isabelle.... I am completely and deeply in love with her", Alec said.
"Alec, this won't end well, this toxic love triangle, first loves, will always make you feel as if it will only be them... but sometimes you need to learn to let go", I said.
"I can't Isabelle, that's the problem, it's impossible", Alec said.
"It gets better", I said.
"We're here", Jace huffed.
Jace's POV (first person)
I missed her, Freya, tremendously. I didn't feel complete without her.
I knew I was only just, a hormonal, seventeen year old boy, but every single part of me was intensely in love with her. She made my life complete, without her, I don't know what I'd do,
I just, I felt loss. I wasn't a sappy romantic, but every time I looked into her eyes, everything changed.
"To what do I owe this pleasure", Magnus asked.
"Don't try me, warlock", I huffed, to say I was frustrated, was a understatement.
"Freya... is in Kent, England, how she got there, who knows", Magnus said.
"I can portal you to her exact whereabouts, but I'm not sure what you would walk in to", Magnus said.
"It doesn't matter, it's Freya, I'd do anything", I said.
With that, Magnus made a portal, and we all stepped into the unknown.

Freya Blossom Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora