When the war is over

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Freya's POV (first person)
It had been 3 weeks. 3 weeks of pretending, faking, lying. But I had to save Simon.
Jace was completely brainwashed by his crazy, power hungry father. I loved Jace, as Shakespeare says, "I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest". It will always be him. Nobody else. However, with love there's deceit.
I had snuck away from Jace's room. It was incredibly late. The dark gloomy hallway I was creeping down, emanated a depressing, unsettling atmosphere. With each step I took, the unsettling feeling grew, and grew. My instincts were to run away, and find Jace. But that wasn't an option.

Isabelle's POV( first person)

Ever since Jace, Freya and Simon had went missing, the institute was in lockdown. Literally.
Valentine was know considered a number one priority. The clave believed Jace and Freya were working with Valentine.
But I know Jace. He wouldn't. He wouldn't lead Freya into danger. He loved her way too much. In fact, he loved her so deeply, it terrified me, the extents he would go to to protect her.
I remember Jace talking to me about Freya, just mere weeks ago.
"I love her, too much Isabelle", Jace said.
I scoffed.
"Mmhmm", I replied.
"No, I don't think you understand, Isabelle I love her way too much, I would never let anyone or anything harm her, I would die trying to protect her", Jace said.
"Who?", I asked, sarcastically.
"Isabelle, Freya, that's who", Jace said, rather bitterly.
"No need to be bitter", I said.
"Isabelle I'm scared, I'm scared of what I would do to protect her", Jace said, he looked unnerved.
I suddenly understood what he was trying to tell me.
"You would...", I said.
"I would let the whole world die, just for her to be safe", Jace said.
When I was younger, I learnt about something called 'forbidden love'. When a shadowhunter loves to deeply, bad things happen.
Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t.
"Stay away from her", I said coldly.
"I don't think I can do that Isabelle", Jace said.
Jace's POV (first person)
I was starting to doubt my father. Valentine's ideologues were too extreme.
Freya was acting strange as well, I mean really strange. When she smiled, it seemed fake, and distant. I don't know what she was up to, or what was wrong, but I needed to know. I had a nagging feeling that she was plotting something.
I pretended to fall asleep. Minutes later Freya creeped out of the room. I decided to follow her, and find out why the hell my girlfriend was sneaking off.

Freya Blossom Where stories live. Discover now