Disappearing Act // Civil War

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I was taking a nap when I was awoken by my dad who was sat on my bed, ''Dad!'' I exclaimed, immediately hugging him. When he winced, I looked at him to see he had his arm in a 'sling.' He also had a bruise underneath his left eye.

''Hey, kiddo,'' He smiled then noticed me looking at his arm, ''Don't worry about it.''

''Where is everyone? Are you okay? What happened?'' I bombarded him with questions.

''Calm down, calm down. Uh, they're elsewhere. I just wanted to say hello. I'm fine, nothing happened that you need to know of...'' He answered.

''That's a lie, but okay,'' I muttered, ''You'll tell me soon, though, yeah?''

''Maybe. Look, I gotta go and make sure... someone's all right, but I'll come back later, okay?'' He sighed. I nodded as he kissed my forehead and left my room.

They were gone for days, he better tell me what happened. And what does he mean by 'someone's all right'?

I decided to leave my thoughts in my room and go to the kitchen, then making myself a sandwich. While I was sat at the island, eating my sandwich and on my phone, I got a message from my dad that he'd gone out and won't know when he'll be back. I swear to God, he just came back. I messaged back with a quick 'Okay, love you.' and returned to scrolling endlessly through Instagram. Yes, I'm 9 years old with Instagram but I don't post anything, my account is private (because of my dad) and I only follow my friends. Take notes, people.

I then look at the time and realise I have to get ready for my Ballet class. Today, I'm actually going to the studio for once. I quickly clean up and go to my room. I pulled out my black Ballet leotard and pink Ballet tights and get changed. I pull on black sweatpants and a black cropped hoodie over the leotard and tights and rummage around in my closet to find my Ballet slippers. I also quickly slid on my sneakers. Eventually I found them and stuffed them into my dance bag, along with my drink. After I got everything ready, my mom came to my room and pulled my hair up into a bun and we made our way downstairs to the car. We began driving.

''Has dad spoken to you since he came back?'' I asked my mom, breaking the silence.

''A bit, yes,'' She answered, keeping her eyes on the road.

I didn't know what else to say so the rest of the drive was silent. We soon arrived at the studio, so I said goodbye to my mom, grabbed my bag and went inside. I was instantly greeted by my best friend, Astrid.

''Lexi!'' She exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

''Hey!'' I laughed, hugging her back.

''Come on, you two!'' Leanne, my dance teacher, called us into the studio. The two of us made our way into the studio and I could see that Paige, Marlee, Keira and Chloe were already here. I quickly took off my sweatpants and jumper, slid on my ballet slippers and made my way over to my friends.

''All right. Now that everyone's here, let's begin warming up.'' Leanne said. We all stood away from each other, and followed Leanne in the warm up. After warming up, we sat down and began stretching.

''Okay. Now that we're all warmed up, let's start with the... solos,'' Leanne spoke, ''Who wants to go first?''

Marlee was the first to raise her hand, therefore she did her solo first. We sat in front of the mirror and watched as Marlee danced. After Marlee finished, we all clapped and Leanne asked who wanted to go next. I decided to raise my hand, ''All right. Go on, Lexi.''

Marlee sat down and I stood up, taking my starting position, ''Remember to smile and to breathe, make it look effortless,'' Leanne reminded me, I nodded in reply.

As the music began, I followed through my movements fluidly, remembering to smile and trying to breathe when I could. I went through the steps in my head, especially towards the end. Two chassé's, followed by 2 pas de bourrée's, tendu, three fouettés into five piqué's to the corner, arabesque, and pose. God, that's hard.

Everyone clapped as I finished and I sat down, ''Well done, Lexi. Who's next?''

Next went Astrid, followed by Keira, then went Paige, and last but not least was Chloe.

After everyone was done with their solos, Leanne was replaced with my contemporary teacher, Dani. Marlee and Chloe left, then Jake, Oliver, Noah and Charlotte joined us. Dani wanted us to start with our group dance so I took my place centre stage, Astrid on my left, Charlotte on my right, Keira behind me on my left and Paige opposite her. The boys didn't come in until further on in the dance. We began and soon Noah partnered with me, Oliver partnered with Keira and Jake partnered with Paige.

After the group dance, Noah and I did our duet, then that was followed by Paige's and Astrid's duet. It then occurred to me that I couldn't remember Noah's surname, so I asked.

''Strucker,'' He replied. I thought I'd heard Steve say it once or twice before but I couldn't be sure.

Finally after my contemporary class, I took a break and watched as Paige, Keira, Jake, Oliver and Noah left, leaving Astrid, Charlotte and I to wait for our acro teacher, Rebecca, to arrive. When she did, Dani left and I quickly shoved on my sweatpants and jumper and stuffed my Ballet slippers into my bag. (Yes, I did contemporary in my Ballet slippers.)

We did a quick stretch just for good measure and pulled out the mats that we needed. Me, Charlotte and Astrid actually have a trio to sort out, so this'll be fun. Rebecca helped us with the choreography and the multiple tricks and we ended up being able to choreograph half of the dance already, which is really good.

The reason we're all practicing so much is because we have an upcoming competition of all categories so all of the dances I explained today will be featured in the competition.

After acro class, I shoved on my sneakers and was met in the hallway by my mom. I quickly hugged Astrid goodbye and waved goodbye to Charlotte then jumped in the car with my mom.

''How was dance, hon?'' She asked.

''It was good. I can't wait for the competition,'' I smiled, making her laugh, ''Is dad back yet?''

''No, sweetheart. He isn't,'' She sighed.


I knew they weren't together anymore, but I also knew she still cared for him.

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