Aldrich Killian // Iron Man 3

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Dad was out with Uncle Rhodey and mom was busy at work with Happy, meaning I had the choice of staying home with one of dad's staff whom I had never met before, or staying in mom's locked office alone until she got back. I chose the second option, without a doubt, I'd rather be alone than with a stranger.

I sprawled across the sofa in my mom's office, sitting on my iPad for entertainment with Bunny by my side. I wasn't interrupted...until mom's assistant walked in with a strange man.

''Lexi, this is Mr. Killian. He's one of your mom's clients, okay?'' She smiled, with the strange man behind her. I immediately sat up and nodded, hoping mom would come soon. I didn't wanna be alone with him. She let the man inside and left us both alone.

''So, you must be Lexi-Mae. Pleasure to meet you.'' He spoke softly. I couldn't really form a sentence, being shy and all, so I just nodded in reply as he took a seat in the chair opposite my mom's desk. We sat there in silence until my mom FINALLY walked in with Happy. They both stared in shock at the Mr. Killian who had just stood up to face them.

''Pepper.'' He said, a smug look on his face.


''You look great.'' This man better not swoon my mom, or God help me. ''You look really great.''

''God, you look great. I-...I-..I-....'' Mom stammered, at an utter loss for words. ''What on earth have you been doing?''

The man sauntered over to her, ''Nothing fancy. Just five years in the hands of physical therapists. And please, call me Aldrich.'' I do not like this man, one bit.

''Uh, you were supposed to be issued a security badge.'' Happy said, unsurely. While everyone was distracted, I snuck out in between their legs and out of the office to sit on one of the couches outside of the office.

I watched as Happy, my mom and 'Aldrich' talked and waited for Happy to leave. He soon sat down beside me and glanced at the man who was across us in the office, reading a magazine. ''Hey, guy.'' Happy called over, pointing at his security badge. The man picked it up and showed him his security badge, making me repress a grin from appearing on my face.

''Merry Christmas.'' The 'guy' said to a lady walking past, putting his leg up on the side of the armchair he was slouched in.

''He seems fun.'' I muttered, continuing to watch Peppa Pig on my iPad with my headphones. I watched as Happy tried to figure out his own iPad, before holding it up to his face. I took off my headphones to see what he was doing.


On the other end of the line, I heard the familiar voice of my father's. ''Is this Forehead of Security?'' I giggled.

''What? You know, look...I got a real job. What do you want? I'm working. I got something going on here.'' Happy snapped.

''What, harassing interns?'' My dad joked.

''Let me tell you something. Do you know what happened when I told people I was Iron Man's bodyguard? They laughed in my face.'' Happy said, not-so-happy.

''Can't blame them...'' I mumbled, making Happy look at me and my dad laugh. Happy then looked back at the screen.

''I had to leave while I still had a of dignity. Now I got a real job. I'm watching Pepper.'' He continued.

''Like a hawk.'' I rolled my eyes, continuing to remark on Happy's sentences.

''What's going on? Fill me in.'' Dad said.

''For real?''


''All right. So, she's meeting up with this scientist. Rich guy. Handsome-''

''I beg to differ.'' I cut him off, snorting at the 'handsome' part.

Happy rolled his eyes and continues, ''I couldn't make his face, at first. Right? You know I'm good with faces.''

''Oh, yeah. You're the best.'' Dad replied.

''Yeah. Well, so I run his credentials. I make him. Aldrich Killian. We met the guy back in...Where were we in '99? The science conference?''

''Switzerland.'' Dad answers to the not-really-a-question, question.

''Right, right. Exactly.''

''Killian, no. I don't remember the guy.'' Dad said, I could hear clinking in the background.

''Of course you don't remember him. He's not a blond with a big rack. At first, it was fine. They were talking business. But now, it's getting weird. He's showing her his big brain.'' Happy explained.

''His what?'' Both dad and I asked at the same time.

''Big brain.'' Happy answered. ''And she likes it. Here, let me show you.'' Happy put the iPad up to face mom's office but didn't turn the screen around. ''Here, see?''

''Happy, turn the camera around.'' I tried helping, but it was no use.

''Look at what? You watching them? Flip the screen, and then we can get started.'' Dad looked bored, not gonna lie.

''I'm not a tech genius like you. Just trust me. Get down here.''

''Flip the screen. Then I can see what they're doing.''

''I can't! I don't know how to flip the screen.''

''Making a sceneeee.'' I mumbled in a sing-song voice to Happy.

''Don't talk to me like that anymore. You're not my boss. All right? I don't work for you.'' Happy pouted. ''And I don't trust this guy. He's got another guy with him. He's shifty.''

''I'm with Happy on this one.'' I interrupted.

''Relax.'' Dad sighed.

''Seriously?'' Happy queried.

''I'm just asking you to secure the perimeter. Tell them to go out for a drink or something.''

''You know what? You should take more of an interest on what's going on here. This woman is the best thing that's ever happened to you-''

''AHEM.'' I interrupted.

''-Other than Lexi. Continuing...and you're ignoring her.''

''A giant brain?'' Dad asked.

''Yeah. There's a giant brain. There's a shifty character. I'm gonna follow this guy. I'm gonna run his plates. I'm gonna...You know, if it gets rough. So be it.''

''I miss you, Happy.''

''Yeah, I miss you too. But the way it used to be. '' Sounding a bit like a movie here. ''Now you're off with the super-friends. I don't know what's going on with you anymore.''

''Did we ever know though...?'' I muttered to myself.

''Hey. I hate to cut you off. Do you have your taser on you?'' Dad questioned Happy.


''I think there's a gal in HR who's trying to steal some printer ink. You should probably go over there and zap her.'' I tried to stifle a giggle, but to no avail.

''Yeah, nice.'' Happy huffed.

Soon enough, the man left. Then, I followed both my mom and Happy to the front of the building. And Aldrich...

I stood with Happy the entire time, but my eyes widened at the fact Aldrich kissed my mom's cheek.

''HUH?'' I said out loud, making Happy shush me. We then walked up to mom.


''Car's ready, if you're ready to go.'' He furrowed his brows at my mom, who was watching Aldrich walk away.

''Yes, I, I forgot my other things, so...'' She opened the door and headed inside, ''I'm just gonna...''

Happy took a photo of the car Aldrich left in as it drove away.

''Strange.'' I mumbled, getting into my mom's car as she came back.

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