Buffalo Boy and Spider Boy // Civil War

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The next day, my dad and I made our way to Berlin. Don't ask me why, I have no idea.

I sat in the meeting room in the compound, (now in Berlin), doing schoolwork. My dad was on the phone when in walked Steve, Sam and Natasha.

''Romania was not Accords-sanctioned. Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup.'' My dad paused, presumably the other person on the line was speaking, ''Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences.''

I closed my laptop and followed my dad as he walked out of the meeting room, still on the phone.

''Obviously you can quote me on that, because I just said it. Anything else?'' My dad snapped, ''Thankyou, sir.''

The call ended and my dad glared daggers at both Steve and Sam, for what? I have no idea. I barely get told anything around here.

'''Consequences?''' Steve spoke first.

''Secretary Ross wants you both prosecuted. Had to give him something.'' my dad said, walking away.

''I'm not getting that shield back, am I?'' Steve sighed.

''Technically it's the government's property.'' Natasha explained.

''Wings, too!'' I added, turning back to smirk at Sam and Steve before turning back around.

''That's cold.'' Sam muttered. If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

''Warmer than jail!'' My dad sang.

''The tin can has a point.'' I teased, sitting back down in the meeting room and continuing with my work. Nothing too exciting, just a little bit of maths. Believe it or not, I enjoy maths. I understand it, making it easier.

Steve soon followed, Sam trudged off elsewhere. Steve kept an eye on the cameras, in quite a foul mood. After awhile of sitting in silence, my dad decided to join us.

''Hey, you wanna see something cool? I pulled something from my dad's archives.'' He said to Steve, glancing over my shoulder to make sure I was actually doing work. Steve sat down at the end of the table.

''Felt timely.'' My dad added, pulling open a small, black box open and placing it down in front of the super-soldier, ''FDR signed the Lend-Lease bill with these in 1941. Provided support to the allies when they needed it most.''

''Some would say it brought our country closer to war.'' Steve chuckled.

''See? If not for these, you wouldn't be here. I'm trying to... what do you call it? That's an olive branch. Is that what you call it?'' My dad teased, making me roll my eyes.

''Is Pepper here? I didn't see her.'' Steve queried.

He had to mention that, didn't he. I paled at the thought of them not being together once again.

''We're kinda... well, not kinda-''

''Pregnant?'' Steve interrupted.

''I wish.'' I mumbled, not taking my eyes off the screen. I didn't want to see the look on my dad's face.

''We're taking a break.'' My dad finished, ''It's nobody's fault.''

''I'm so sorry, Tony. I didn't know.'' Steve said quietly.

''A few years ago, I almost lost her, so I trashed all my suits. Then, we had to mop up HYDRA and then Ultron, my fault. And then, and then, and then, I never stopped. Because, the truth is I don't wanna stop.'' My dad rambled on.

Before he could say anything else, I stormed out of the room. I didn't know where I was going but I couldn't listen to the excuses and anything to do with my parents' relationship. I ended up hiding in a corner, on my phone. Fun, right?

The thing that got me out of hiding was the electricity shutting off. I managed to find my way through the darkness, using my phone as a flashlight. Without warning, I stumbled into my dad.

''Lex, you okay?'' He asked.


A man said something about 'Barnes' and my dad told me to stay with Natasha. I kept close to the two adults, quite nervous about what was going on; or my lack of knowledge of what was going on. Soon, we stopped at a wall.

''Lexi, listen to me. Stay here and stay hidden. This man is dangerous, emphasis on the word 'dangerous'. Promise?'' My dad whispered, taking a hold of my shoulders and bending down to my level.

''Promise.'' I whispered back. He nodded, let go of my shoulders and backed against the wall after standing back up.

After gaining enough courage, my dad smoothly slid around the corner and attacked some guy with shoulder-length hair and a metal arm. Natasha and Carol - Steve's former girlfriend's niece - followed after them, along with a man who I saw earlier walk in with Sam and Steve.

All of them were beat out by the dude with a metal arm. Reminded me of a buffalo, to be honest. That's it. His nickname is now 'Buffalo Boy'. If Natasha freakin' Romanoff couldn't beat him, then there was no hope.

The guy that followed Sam and Steve in earlier chased after Buffalo Boy, allowing to run over to my dad while Buffalo Boy was distracted.

''Are you okay?'' I questioned, frantic.

''I'm fine, honey. Come here.'' He sighed, picking me up.

I sat with my earphones in while my dad, Natasha and Secretary Ross talked. I honestly didn't like Secretary Ross at all, but eventually he left. He was a selfish, obnoxious idiot. I kept my eyes on my phone while Natasha and my dad talked up until my dad interrupted me.

He took out my earphones, catching me surprise, ''Come on, Lex.''

I frowned at Nat in confusion, then left her as I followed my dad. I followed him all the way downstairs into the garage. We quickly climbed into an SUV, then my dad sped off.

''Mind telling me where we're going?'' I questioned, knowing it was probably useless me asking.

''Kid called Peter Parker in Queens. Predicted superpowers. You may have met him.'' He quickly glanced at me, smirking, as I remembered those kids at Midtown High school; Peter and Ned. And that high school was in Queens.

''You're joking me.'' I gaped at my dad.


An hour later, I was sat in some lady's living room.

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