Revenge // Iron Man

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A few days later, my dad didn't allow anyone in his lab. I heard bangs and glass shattering but when I did go down to see if he was there, he wasn't. And neither was his suit...

I just guessed he was out testing the suit. 

Well, when I saw his suit had holes in it. I couldn't guess what they were though so I just pushed the thought to the back of my head and went back upstairs to play in my room.


Mom ended up going out to Dad's office one day, while my dad was in the lab. I felt quite lonely for once, but I continued to play and watch cartoons in my room. 

The only time I saw my dad that day was when he put me to bed; 

''Hey, Lex. Bedtime, alright?'' he said, entering my room.

I stood up and bounced onto my bed, ''Today was boring.''

He sat on my bed and pulled the covers over me, ''Well, hopefully tomorrow is less boring for you but daddy is most likely gonna be busy.''

''Awe, what about mommy?''

''I have no idea what her plans are. Now, come on. Go to sleep, sweetheart.'' he said gently , kissing me on the forehead.

''I love you.'' I whispered, drifting off to sleep.

''I love you, 3000.'' 

I suddenly felt his weight shift off the bed and heard the faint click of the door as it closed before I fell completely asleep.


A/N this was a rubbish chapter and very short chapter, i know but it's the chapter where Obadiah attempts to kill Tony and Lexi isn't really involved in that, so...

also, no, Lexi isn't left unsupervised in the house. there are many people that tony has as backup to take care of her or watch her :)

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