I Had Strings, But Now I'm Free // Age Of Ultron

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From there, the Iron Legion burst through the walls and began attacking the Avengers.

Steve kicked up a table as a shield, just in time. Maria began shooting. Thor used his hammer. Tony and Rhodey went to grab their suits, but were soon hit. Clint slid under a table for cover. Natasha and Bruce hid behind the bar, just so Bruce wouldn't reveal 'the big guy.' Natasha then grabbed a hidden gun from under the bar and began shooting. Steve used a screwdriver on multiple robots.

An Iron Legion snatched away Loki's sceptre as everyone else was distracted.

''Someone get Lexi!'' Tony yelled, trying not to get hit again.

''We got her!'' Natasha shouted back, dragging Bruce up the stairs and heading towards Lexi-Mae's bedroom.

Natasha and Bruce burst into her room to find Lexi sound asleep. How? Well, I have no idea.

Natasha was the one to shake her awake, startling the young girl.

Lexi groaned and hid her head under the covers, ''What's happening?''

''Just a little fun with some robots, come on.'' Natasha grabbed the girl and stood up.

''Bruce, stay with Lexi.'' Natasha quickly said and ran out of the room, gun in hand.

Lexi-Mae looked bewildered, quite grumpy she was awoke and not knowing what for.

''How the hell did you sleep through this?'' Bruce asked the child.

She shrugged, ''My parents say I'm dead to the world when I'm asleep.''

Bruce chuckled, ''I'm gonna check if everything's okay out there, stay here.''

Lexi-Mae sat on her bed and cuddled Bunny as Bruce left. Just as Captain destroyed the last one, Bruce decided it was okay. He grabbed Lexi's hand and led her to the top of the stairs to watch Ultron.

''That was dramatic.'' Lexi had to fight hard to stop herself from laughing at that remark, ''I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?'' Somehow through this 'speech', Natasha made her way up the stairs where Bruce and Lexi were stood.

Ultron picked up the remains of an Iron Legion's body, ''With these? These puppets. There's only one path to peace. The Avengers' extinction.''

That was it for Thor. He swung his hammer back and aimed it at Ultron, then threw it. Ultron smashed into the wall and broke apart.

''What on Earth was that thing?'' Lexi-Mae exclaimed, breaking the long silence.

''I had strings, but now I'm free.'' Ultron sang.

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