Show-Blow Part 2 // Iron Man 2

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''That's your guy there.'' Mom pointed the police towards Justin.

''Excuse me?''

''You're being placed under arrest.'' One of the police officers said, handcuffing Justin.

''Are you kidding me?''

'' Hands behind your back sir.'' The police officer warned.

''I'm trying to help here. I get it. I see what you're doing. You're trying to pin this on me, huh? That's good. That's good. You're starting to think like a CEO, taking out the competition. I like that. You think you're making a problem for me?'' Justin yelled as he was being led away. ''I'm gonna make a problem for you. I'm gonna be seeing you again real soon!''

Mom and I followed the police officers outside, ''When they get here, I think you should station them at the south, east and both west exits.'' Mom said to one of the police officers.

''We shut down the 7 train in and out of Willets Point already.'' The police officer informed her.

''Well, have city buses there to ferry people to operating lines.''

''Yeah. Are you coming with us?''

''No, I'm gonna stay until to park is clear.''

''Okay.'' The officer nodded, walking off.

Mom picked me up so I wouldn't wander off anywhere and we waited. But there was something nearby us that was beeping..

All of a sudden, Iron Man (dad) came flying towards us and immediately picked us up off the ground just as a bomb went off. He took us to a roof and let us down.

I fell to the ground, trying to catch my breath while Mom freaked out.

''Oh my God. I can't take this anymore.'' she freaked.

''You can't?''

'' I can't take this.''

'' Look at me.'' my dad ordered.

''My body, literally, cannot handle the stress. I never know if you're gonna kill yourself or wreck the whole company..''she rambled on.

'' I think I did okay.'' Dad said, just as one more explosion went off.

''I quit. I'm resigning. That's it.''

''What did you just say? You're done? That's surprising. No, it's not surprising. I get it. You don't have to make excuses.''

''I'm... I'm... I'm not making any excuses.''

'' You actually were just making excuses. But you don't have to. ''

''No, I wasn't making an excuse. I'm actually very justified.''

I looked behind me and noticed Uncle Rhodey standing there, watching them as if it was a movie. I crawled back to him and leant against a vent, absolutely exhausted. ''I wish I had popcorn.'' He whispered to me with a smirk, making me laugh quietly.

'' Listen. Hey, hey. You deserve better. '' Dad stammered.


''You've taken such good care of me. I've been in a tough spot, but you got me through it, so... Right?''

''Thank you.''


''Thank you for understanding.''

''Yeah, yeah. Let's talk clean-up.''

''I'll handle the transition. It'll be smooth.''

''Okay. What about the press? Because you only had the job for a week. That's gonna seem...''

''Well, with you it's like dog years.''

''I know.''

'' I mean, it's like the Presidency- ''

Dad shut mom up by kissing her, which surprised me and made me look away. ''Gross.'' I mumbled.

''Weird.'' Dad smirked.

''No, it's not weird.''

'' It's okay, right? ''


'' Run that by me again. '' Dad said, kissing again.

''We think it's weird.'' Uncle Rhodey said. They broke apart and looked at the two of us. ''You guys look like two seals fighting over a grape.''

''I had just quit, actually.'' Mom tried making up excuses.

''Yeah, so we're not...''

'' You don't have to do that. We heard the whole thing.'' Uncle Rhodey said with a smug face.

''You should get lost.''

''I was here first. Get a roof.''

''I thought you were out of one-liners.''

''That's the last one.''

''You kicked ass back there, by the way.''

''Thank you. You too. Listen, my car got taken out in the explosion, so I'm gonna have to hang on to your suit for a minute, okay?''

''Not okay. Not okay with that.''

''It wasn't a question.'' Uncle Rhodey yelled, taking off.

''How are you gonna resign if I don't accept?'' Dad asked mom.


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