Then he heard three rapid knocks on the door, he lifted his head from the floor and wondered who would be at his door, he thought of his father or Warren for a moment. He sat up as much as his body rejected and fought through the pain. He winced at his throbbing head and his stiff back. Then he heard the knock again followed by his name, wait, that's Potter, what is he doing here? Then his mind finally played catch up and he glanced at the clock on the wall and saw it was lunch time.

"FUCK" he said to himself, realizing he missed two classes this morning.

He grabbed the couch and pulled himself up and stood on wobbly legs and made his way to the door. He was just about there when Harry pounded even louder this time.

"I guess he's not here," Hermione whispered.

Then they heard the lock on the door click open and Draco opened the door.

"Hey, sorry I must have overslept," he said, turning around and walking back into the dorm and sitting on the couch.

They all looked at him wide-eyed and walked in, closing the door behind them.

"What happened to you?" Ginny asked, walking over to him.

"What do you mean?"

"You have blood all over your face and shirt" Harry said walking over.

"Not to mention you look like the walking dead," Ron added.

Draco touched his hand to his nose and saw he was bleeding; he forgot to do a mirror check before answering the door and didn't get a chance to clean himself up from the side effects of the Curse his Father used on him. Before he could get up Hermione came walking over with a wet towel.

"Here," she said, handing it to him.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

"Lucius did this?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, but it's nothing I'm not used to, he's learned new tricks you see; now he can Crucio me whenever and wherever I am. Warren must've told him I stood up for Weaslette here and my father is trying to keep me in line I guess, or just torture me until I have enough balls to off myself," he said holding the rag to his nose.

"He can't get away with this, it's inhumane" Ginny whispered.

Draco looked at her, he saw the cut on her lip from the fight yesterday and the light bruise that was around her neck. She stared back at him and then he spoke. "This needs to end today."

"But how?" Hermione asked.

"The whole thing is more complicated than I thought after McGonagall said that Warren was highly recommended by the Ministry. It must mean Lucius is either using the Imperius curse to get his pawns in place or someone in the Ministry is an undercover Death Eater," Harry explained

"Yeah, I was thinking about that too, I also thought about Talca, do you think she's a Death Eater also?" Draco asked.

"I'm not sure, she seems fine to me, normal, but that doesn't really mean anything," said Hermione, taking the rag from Draco and re-rinsing it for him.

She walked back over to him and handed him the rag back, she stared at him for a moment. "Draco, why do you think Warren made McGonagall keep you in school if he thought you were a threat of blowing his cover?"

"Honestly, if I picked up anything from being my father's son, I think I'm officially out. I gave my father more than enough reason to suspect I'll never follow the Death Eater ways and after Warren relayed the message to him he was certain. Now Warren is one of the top Death Eaters under my father; he wouldn't have Warren here at Hogwarts if he wasn't good at what he did,"Draco said looking around at them.

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