Chapter 13

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     Bakugou stirred to a shuffling Kirishima.  "What's wrong?" Bakugou sleepily mumbles.  Kirishima kisses Bakugou's forehead "Nothing baby, I'm just going to work.  I'll be back later.  Go back to sleep." Kirishima whispers.  Bakugou furrows his brows looking less than pleased.  "Don't go." Bakugou whimpers half asleep.  Kirishima smiles enjoying Bakugou's sleepy honesty.  Kirishima gently ruffles Bakugou's hair then begins getting ready to go.

     When Bakugou woke up he was alone grasping at the empty sheets next to him.  I don't know if it's me or my omega anymore I just want him.  I'm just being selfish he already gives me all the time he can.  Bakugou huffs in frustration he was bored without his boyfriend around.  Shit we're out of ice cream, I guess I have to go to the store. 

     Bakugou puts on some sweats and the pair of crocs Kirishima so graciously gave him and headed out.
  Wile walking down the street he could hear everyone around him whispering.  "Hey isn't that ground zero?" "I haven't seen him for a while?" the usual banter but one uttered phrase had his blood run cold.  "Does he look pregnant to you?" Bakugou broke into a cold sweat and started walking faster.  Shit, I'm only four months and they can tell!?  I can't let the fucking media know.  Every villain would take it as a chance to get me.  Plus, Kirishima and I aren't a public couple.

     Bakugou felt as if everyone was beginning to stare.  He contemplated turning around and going back home.  It was too late though the next thing he knew there was a wide eyed eger reporter.  "Ground Zero!?  Why have you been on leave for so long? Have you been laid off?  How long will you be out for?" She asked quickly invading his space in the process.  Bakugou was frozen he didn't know what to do so he just started walking faster.  Still she persisted continuing to ask wildly personal questions "Have you gained all this weight as a sign of a mental breakdown?  Have you been dumped by your latest lover?  Are you pregnant?"

     Bakugou ignored everything as best he could until he got to his apartment.  Slamming to door shut behind him he sunk to the floor.  Oh shit they know!  Oh fuck!  Will it hit the media!?  Bakugou sat there head swimming with anxiety.  Bakugou called Kirishima and anxiously waited for him to pick up the phone.  "Hey, I'm a little busy right now Bakugou can you-" Kirishima was cut off.  "I think they know!" Bakugou screams into the phone.  "Calm down, You think who knows what?" Kirishima says calmly.  "I think everyone in Japan just found out I'm pregnant!" Bakugou cries.

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