Chapter 3

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     Two weeks had passed since Bakugou's heat.  The two roommates had continued to do everything just as it was before.  Bakugou and Kirishima both went to work together as always (They both worked for Midoriya's agency) and they went to their assigned desks.  Today though Midoriya came to Bakugo's desk looking uncharacteristically concerned.  "We need to talk." the green haired man spoke flatly "Come to my office." and motioned for the blond to follow.

     Once at the top floor in Midoriya's moderately sized office Bakugou spoke up first "I know I didn't fuck anything up Deku.  So what is this about?" Midoriya didn't answer and took a seat behind his desk motioning for Bakugou to do the same.  Bakugou complied "You going to tell me now?" he asked impatiently.  Midoriya took in a deep breath a telltale sign that he was about to go on a ramble.  "Well you see you know how everybody takes a pregnancy test here each month to ensure the health and safety of everyone and their children." Bakugou rolled his eyes "Get on with it Deku." he groaned

     Midoriya took in another large breath of air looking like he was going to burst at the seams red in the face. "Come on spit it out so I can get back to work." Bakugou sighed.  "KACHANYOU'REPREGNANT!" Midoriya bursts out then tries to regain his breath.  Bakugou just looks at Midoriya quizzically "I didn't understand anything you just said!  What are you trying to tell me!?" he tells.  Midoriya looks mortified that he must repeat what he just said then gather his resolve to say what he has to clearly.  "Kachan," he states "Your pregnancy test came back positive."  Midoriya scrunched his brow prepared for a shit storm.  But instead comes a rare chuckle from the blond "Very funny Deku.  Ha!  That was a good one."  Bakugou smiles.

     The green haired man wears a stark expression "It's not a joke Kachan."  Bakugou looks his childhood friend in the eyes and detects no lies.  The blond slumps in his chair "Fuck!" he cries "Oh fucking shit what the fuck!"  Midoriya gives his friend a moment to process then shyly asks "Do you know who the father is?" Bakugou just stares blankly for a moment then replies "Yeah...It's Kirishima." Midoriya perks up treading carefully "That's good...right?" Midoriya  says unsure "You've liked him for a long time so that's good?  Right Bakugou?" 

     Bakugou puts his head in his hands "No it's not." the blond sighs "It was a one time thing.  Fuck!  How am I supposed to go home and face him!? SHIT!"  Midoriya rushes to the blonde's side rubbing his hand on Bakugou back "Kachan, Shouto and I are here for you ok.  You don't have to go home today you can stay with us for a little while.  Until you've made a decision ok."  Bakugou nods and rises from his chair he looks like his about to cry.

     "Are you ok to drive right now kachan?" Midoriya asks concerned.  That's when Bakugou finally breaks down crying "No Deku I'm not!  Fuck can you drive me home to get my stuff!?" Midoriya gives Bakugou a hug "Of course!  Anything you need."

     Once Bakugou calmed down they made their way down to Midoriya's car passing through the lobby.  Low and behold there was Kirishima cheerful as ever.  "Hey bros what's up?" Kirishima gleamed.  Bakugou tried to hid his face as best he could till Midoriya took Kirishima's focus.  "Yeah, Bakugou just isn't feeling well so I'm going to take him home." Midoriya assured.  Kirishima's face suddenly sunk "Oh no bro what's wrong." Kirishima frets "You were fine this morning." he pushes past Midoriya trying to get closer to Bakugou. Midoriya steps in as Bakugou backs up.  "No he just needs some rest.  Right Kachan?"  Midoriya says nudging Bakugo.  "Yeah...get off my back ok!" Bakugo grumbles shoving past Kirishima "Let's go Deku."

     Midoriya awkwardly follows along grabbing his keys and shyly smiling at Kirishima then finally walking out of the lobby.  They make it to Midoriya's car and Bakugou sits in the passenger seat with a sigh.  "You ok Kachan?" Midoriya asks.   Bakugou just clicks his tongue and replies "Shut up and drive Deku."

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