Chapter 10 (smut)

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Kirishima stood there for a second not truly processing what was happening. Until his face turned a bright shade of red "Oh shit! Sorry dude I didn't-" Bakugou interupted him by chucking every pillow in reach at the other man "GET THE FUCK OUT SHITTY HAIR!" Kirishima closed the door and left Bakugou to himself. Oh shit! I really fucked up now. There's no way to get out of this one. Bakugou did the only thing he could do face the consequences of his actions like a man.

Bakugou straightened himself up and took a deep breath in to steady himself. When he opened the door he found a very embarrassed looking Kirishima with his hands up in defense and quirk activated. "I really didn't know man I thought you were having a miscarriage or something!" Kirishima said nervously. "There's something I have to tell you." Bakugou says quietly and walks towards the living room motioning for Kirishima to follow. Kirishima sits down on the couch pale as a sheet.

Bakugou looked Kirishima in the eyes and said "I've always hated being an omega because people often looked down on me. For a long time I thought that relationships were all a bullshit power play to make omegas submit to alphas. I was never attracted to anyone. I thought I couldn't be attracted to anyone until I met you. You thought I was strong and admirable no matter what my gender was and that saved me. I was so scared of fucking everything up I never told you how I felt..." Kirishima gave him a concerned look "What are you trying to say? I'm not smart like you so I won't get it unless you tell me."

"I love you." Bakugou whispers with all of his passion. Bakugou almost thinks Kirishima didn't hear him until he sees Kirishima's face. Large tears roll their way down Kirishima's face until his full on sobbing. Bakugou panics until he hears Kirishima "Oh fuck... I'm sorry, it's just I never thought you'd feel the same way. Fuck, I thought I'd live to see you go off and marry someone else. I thought I'd be happy just staying by your side. Oh shit *hic* I'm so happy." Kirishima then brakes into a fit of sobbing.

Bakugou stood there not knowing what to do, he wasn't good with these things. So he just let his body do the talking as he lifted the crying man's face and kissed him. Our first kiss! My first kiss! Kirishima stood and wrapped his arms around Bakugou kissing him harder. Bakugou closed the distance. Kirishima grinds his hips into Bakugou's. The blond gasps and backs away a bright blush dusting his face. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Kirishima asks concerned look on his face. Bakugou turns away and mumbles incoherently. "What's that?" Kirishima asks "This is only my second time asshole!" Bakugou screams. Kirishima gasps "WHAT!? YOU MEAN THAT LAST TIME DURING YOUR HEAT WAS THE FIRST TIME!?" Bakugou avoids Kirishima's eyes and screams back "DON'T FUCKING SCREAM AT ME! I TOLD YOU I'VE NEVER BEEN ATTRACTED TO ANYONE ELSE IN CONFIDENCE YOU DICK!" Kirishima shrinks back in defense "That's not what I meant... it's just that looking back on it... I should have made it special for you." Bakugou crosses his arms and pouts "It already was stupid. I meant for that to be my first and only time, then I would of let you go for good. I just used my heat as an excuse."

"Ok then, I still have a few questions. Why were you in my bed in my clothes masterbating?" Kirishima declares with his hands on his hips. Bakugou flushes an even darker red obviously struggling to answer "I... I-I've been really missing you lately, and I can't help wanting to hold you and... Y'know other shit..." Kirishima smiles with pride "So you were horny." he punctuates then leans into Bakugou's ear and continues "Just for me?" Bakugou nearly stumbles at the last part but Kirishima catches him.

Bakugou looks Kirishima straight in the eyes "It's your fault, so what are you going to do about it shitty hair." Kirishima picks up Bakugou princess style and declares "What I should have done a long time ago." Kirishima stomps on over to his room and places Bakugou on his bed. Quickly Kirishima begins stripping Bakugou till he was completely bare. "Don't look stupid it's embarrassing!" Bakugou cries and curls away from Kirishima. Kirishima just removes his shirt and climbs on top of the omega and spreads him out once again. "It's not anything I haven't seen before." Kirishima laughs. "I was in heat last time now it's different." Bakugou grumbles. Kirishima just hums and leans in to gently kiss Bakugou sliding his tongue inside to others mouth.

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