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"Then your mom was there, standing in her beautiful pink gown." Sehun telling their kids, Seri and Sebin about the story when they finally met each other. It was the girls' favorite story, they would ask their parents to tell it every time they get the chance. "Your father was all shaky and nervous even if he was trying to keep his cool! You do not know how many time he stepped on my gown that night!" Sejeong said when she entered the girls' bedroom. "But mom, he was amazing wasn't he?" Seri asked. "Oh but of course! He was the last bachelor of Evermore to marry that time, a lot of girls would do anything just to have a dance with him. But I am very lucky that your father would do anything just to find me, or so your grandfather did." Sejeong replied confidently. "May his soul rest in peace," the girls solemnly said, "He's with grandmother now, I believe he is having fun there." Sehun replied.

"Mom, will Uncle Seonho be here during our cousin's christening?" Sebin asked as Jongdae and his wife just had their second baby, "Yes, honey he'll be here. Why did you ask?" Sejeong replied while caressing Sebin's hair. "Nothing, I'm just excited to play games with him!" The couple laughed, "When will Seonho hyung get married, Sejeong? He's old already, I'm pretty sure the girls would want another playmate other than him." Sehun added, to which Sejeong replied, "I'm pretty sure he is enjoying the uncle life first before he gets settled." Sensing something with what Sehun just said.

"Alright girls, time to go to bed now. We can't be late tomorrow!" Sejeong said and the girls let out so awww and grunts, "You can pick your tiaras tomorrow, show them the princess that you are." their expressions quickly changed to giggles and smiles. The couple can't help but find it cute, and still can't believe that their little daughters are now 4 years old. They kissed their little foreheads and turned on their small nightlight, slowly walking their way out. Sehun turned of the lights and closed the door slowly so that it won't make any noise.

As soon as the door closed, Sejeong pushed Sehun against the door. "Hmmm, are you wishing for Seonho oppa to get married and have a child, or..." She went close to Sehun, close enough to kiss, "Do you want your own little prince?" Sehun shifted his eyes from Sejeong's eyes to her lips all the while biting his, "Hmm... maybe?" He slowly brought his arms around her waist, bringing her close. "No, no, not here." Sejeong whispered, "But you started it?" Sehun replied.

"Then how about you end it?" Sejeong winked.

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