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Sejeong made her way up to her father's study in hopes of letting her stay in this house for a few more days. She was feeling uneasy, she was not sure to why she was feeling such things. She believes that her father will be okay with her staying, in fact he will be happy; but things weren't seating right.

She knocks on the door, "Father, I received a letter from Mom." Her father sat up straight and shouted, "Come in here Sejeong, the door is open." He welcomed her with a smile, but his eyes tells her otherwise--he was afraid that his daughter won't be in arms reach soon. "Your eyes father," Sejeong told him. "I'm sorry dear it's just that I'm afraid of what the letter contains." her father chuckled. "Don't be," she began, "Can I stay here for a few more days? I promise I won't be a nuisance!"

    Her father looked at her with shocked, "What nuisance nonsense are you talking about Sejeong? You will never be," he stood up and walked to his daughter, "You are this beautiful ray of sunshine, an energizer in this tiring world, you are what they call--what was it?--Ah! A happy pill!" His father exclaimed with joy ready to hug his youngest. Sejeong looked at him with love, "Father, what must be the reason why you and mother broke up?"

    "It just didn't work out anymore Sejeong," he sighed, "As sad as it may sound. But I do hope you find love that will work out no matter what, not like ours, but what you deserve."

    Sejeong nodded and gave her father a hug, "Now that I am staying here, can you help me create and itinerary on where why what I should go to? I want to get to know Evermore and what makes it so... I don't know... Iconic?" Her father laughed, "I believe the right word is timeless."

    Her father explained to why Evermore is timeless--as its infrastructures were a combination of modern and traditional; But he believes that one of the many things she can start with was Evermore Park. As it was maintained to look and be the same as to when it was established; the pavement were mostly the same bricks, some were obviously changed already. The benches were once in a while changed, but the ones currently there were still the ones placed during the 2000s.

    "Alright, Evermore Park it is!" Sejeong said, standing up getting ready to leave the study. "Take care dear! and do have fun." Her father told her. She smiled and went straight to her room to change her clothes and shoes to a more comfortable one. She then wore a large light brown crop top with black pants and white shoes, the looked at the mirror one last time before heading out.

Hmm...why am I feeling nervous.

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