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Sejeong is lying down on her bed, tired of trying to open her door. She found it stupid that it couldn't been open through inside. She was not really helpless, but she does not want to try. Her happy memories flashed before her eyes, her family memories back in Willow was so happy. The thought of her mother's delicious pancakes every morning, the thought of her brother teaching her how to play the guitar the first time, and the thought of waiting for her father every before dinner time. Lady Kim's place felt nothing like home. It was dark, sad, gray, and blue all over. The feeling could not be broken no matter how grand the house was. She closed her eyes hoping to fall asleep, feeling hopeless in her situation.

"Sejeong!" A familiar female voice called, "Sejeong, are you here?" it called again. "Maybe they went out, the girls are maybe preparing for the ball tonight," a male voice answered. "But father, isn't this Sejeong's shoes? Or have you bought her new ones?" A younger male voice asked. I'm probably dreaming... Sejeong thought, Mother and Seonho are in Willow, and Father's journey is somewhere nowhere near Willow. "Sejeong only brought 2 pairs here remember, dear?" the female voice remembered. Seeing how there were still 2 pairs of Sejeong's shoes on the door's front, they concluded she was still inside the house. "This is Sejeong's gown, why is it here?" Her father questioned the presence of Sejeong's gown box that was hidden well in a small cabinet in the living area. That's when he realized something was up.

"Sejeong! Mom's here, where are you dear?", Sejeong quickly walked towards her door realizing it's her mother's voice. "Mom! Mom! I'm in my room!," She banged on the door so that they can hear her, "MOM! She locked me in my room!" Emotions started to come through--she was scared, she was lonely, and she wants to be with her family. "Mom, please open the door!" Sejeong heard her mother trying to open up her door but to no avail she kept on failing. "Gods, Sunghoon! Where is the key to this door!" Her mother shouts outside, "I'm coming!!" her father's voice followed.

    "I knew something was wicked with that Lady Kim, how on Earth did you find a woman who would look your OWN daughter!" Her mother continued to tell her father about how she was right and how it was wrong in so many levels to lock their daughter in. Sejeong finally heard the door unlocked and she flowed out of the door so quick to hug her parents. Her tears were of being scared, and being lonely. But above all, she was happy that her parents are there with her.

    "What's going on?" Seonho suddenly said, surprising both their parents and Sejeong, "NO ONE INVITED ME FOR A HUG?" They all laughed, Sejeong stood up to give her brother a hug. "It's nice to see you Oppa, I feel more at ease now that you're here." Sejeong calmly said to her brother, "I know and I feel the same, home was nothing without you." He replied as he hugged her back.

     "Now tell me dear, why are you here when you should be preparing for the ball?" Her father asked. Sejeong took a breather, calmly collected herself and looked at her father who bore sadness in his eyes. But her eyes shot up, "THE PRINCE! Father the Prince is looking for me! That's why she locked me in. She said I will ruin her daughter's dream if the prince and I met at the ball..." She went back to her room and grabbed the letter from the palace.

    Her mother began to smile and she looked at Sejeong with proud eyes, "Thank God you finally realized how beautiful you are." To which Sejeong replied, "Aye, I have always been pretty mother what are you talking about!" The three laughed but Seonho grabbed the letter looking at it with terror, "Who is this prince guy anyways, I need to see his face first before you to start it off!" Sejeong sighed with a smiled, "His name is Prince Sehun."

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