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"Sejeong, can you be a dear and get me sugar for my tea?" Her step-mom ever so sweetly told her, "Yes, Lady Kim," standing up from the table. "Honey, how many times to I have to tell you the you can call her mother," Sejeong's father told her while she was in the kitchen getting the sugar.

"Father, it hasn't been long since you and Lady Kim got married. It is not easy for me to adjust, and it's not like I am staying here for long. As soon as Mom arrives from Willow, I will live with her. Have you forgotten that already?" Sejeong replied proudly while making her way back to the table. "Why must you leave Sejeong? Are you not happy with me?" Her father asks, words full of hurt.

"I am happy here that I am with you, but I can't help but feel uncomfortable with the idea of staying in Lady Kim's house when we--or I do have a house with Mother and brother. PLUS, with her children arriving I believe I take up space." Sure you do, Lady Kim thinks, "Oh no dear, not at all. If you wish to stay here, our home is always open for you." Lady Kim smiles, though Sejeong can see bitterness through her eyes.

"Thank you, Lady Kim." She replied, bowing ever so gently while sitting. "MOTHER!" a shout surprising the three, so untimely as they were wishing for a peaceful morning.

"MOTHER, WHAT IS THIS NEWS THAT I HEARD! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE SUCH NEWS! MOTHER PLEASE TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE!" Sohee, the eldest of Lady Kim's two daughters, shouted on her way to where they were. "What news have you heard Sohee and please, calm your nerves. It is too early to shout and you just got home from your trip." Lady Kim replied calmly.

"Mother, Kyungsoo is engaged? THE 7TH PRINCE IS ENGAGED?!" Sohee shouted still in denial with such news, "The only prince that I love is now getting married! Evermore is my dream kingdom mother! My dreams are shattered!"

"Geez, Sohee. Evermore has 9 princes, as if you won't be able to marry one out of the 9." Soyoung, the youngest of Lady Kim, replied. "Soyoung, you are so clueless of your own monarchy. 5 out of the 9 princess are already married. 3 are now engaged, and obviously will be married in the next few years!"

"In case, that you can't math... There is still one prince left Sohee, maybe he's your chance." Sohee's face lights up, "Oh you're right Soyoung! But I still have a chance with Kyungsoo not until they actually announce it. Oh please Gods!"

"Sohee, Soyoung," their father interrupted, making the two stop bickering. "This is Sejeong, my daughter from my previous wife. You also have a brother, but he is unfortunately in Willow as of the moment. You will meet him in due time." The ladies gave their smiles and waves to Sejeong, "She's younger than the both of you, I do hope that you treat her well." 

"Oh do not worry father, Sejeong will be happy that she will have us as her sisters." Sohee smiled at Sejeong, though she was aware that there was something more with Sohee's smile that makes her feel nervous. What is this feeling...

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