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    "Yixing!" Sehun shouted while running down the hall, "Where are you?" The butler appeared coming out of the grand hall, "Sire, we were waiting for you. Your brothers are already inside." Confused by the butler's remark unsure whether or not did he forgot about a meeting that they scheduled beforehand, but he was sure that there was no meeting the he forgot about.

    "Thank you, Mr. Lee." he said lastly before entering the grand hall, and he saw the his brothers calmly waiting for him. "What's up? I am sure that we had no meeting today." He said still looking confused, "What's going on?" Baekhyun signaled the youngest to sit on his chair, it was then that he noticed the Junmyeong was the one sitting on the center of the table.

    "Where's father?" the youngest asked again, still confused. The brothers then laughed, in success of tricking the 9th prince. "There is nothing going on silly, we just saw your messages and we think it's time that we caught up with one another." Jongdae said. "That's true, even if we live in the same house but its like we don't see each other often." Chanyeol added.

    "Oh," Sehun signed in relief, "by the way!" The brothers hurdled near Sehun, "Before I went out today, Yixing told me he had a good feeling today which was weird really! BUT THEN!" Sehun stopped mid-way earning some jabs from his brothers. "Don't stop like that!" Baekhyun shouted, "Alright, alright!" Sehun said while laughing happy to get a slight revenge. "No, I met this girl. I did not actually meet her... she sat next to me on the vacant swing seat, and I kind of choked..." He said, his voice slowly trailing off at the end. "Aish, let me guess." Yixing began, "You did not ask her name?" The youngest slowly nodded slowly dropping his head on the table. "Hay Sehunie, what to do with you?" Junmyeong said.

"I told you to ask her name!" Yixing exclaimed, "I don't know anymore," Sehun said while his forehead still on the table. The brothers sighed in unison, "Your only hope is to wish that that girl will come to the ball." Yixing continued. Sehun groaned. "What if she doesn't..." he said ever so softly. "Nope, that's not how Sehun thinks," Chanyeol said, "You will find her, and we will help you."

"How though, I don't have a photo of her..." Sehun said. "Sucks to be you." Jongin followed, earning some punches from the older ones.

What to do... What to do...

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