"Well, are you gonna go instead?! Let me go!" Cross swung his arm up beneath Nightmare's, smacking it away and continuing to the door. He unlocked it, swiftly avoiding Nightmare's attempts to grab him. He was out the door before Nightmare even landed a hand on him.

"Cross!" He paused. Nightmare used his name, which was odd. He couldn't remember Nightmare ever using his name before. He sighed, "What." Nightmare jogged down the hill, motioning to his truck with a groan. "Get in. I'll take you."


Killer growled at Ink, muttering under his breath, squirming in his seat. The teachers had tied him down. They had the audacity to tie him down. To be fair, he had been somewhat violent. Killer eyed the principal's wrapped arm, sadistic satisfaction setting a grin on his muzzled face. They'd muzzled him as well. Killer could already picture Cross's fury. 

Ink was seated to his left, looking uneasy, his father, Top, standing behind him with a stern expression. "Killer, are you sure he'll show up? I heard what happened to your father, maybe he won't make it." Top commented, his voice tinged with a bit of relief. Killer knew what he was thinking. "Yer hoping he won't show, huh? What, you think he's gonna hurt you? Like I hurt your bastard child?" The principal sharply butted in, "Rahafwabas! Language!" Killer scoffed, "Oh shut it, old hag."

He leveled a glare on Ink, "Hey, maybe you if took back what you said, I'll apologize." Ink shivered, struggling with his words. Killer's voice took on an edge, "Take it back." Tears started welling up in Ink's eyes, his chest heaving. "I SAID TAKE IT BACK!!" Top was visibly shocked, unable to speak in his child's defense.

"Killer! Stop it this instant!" Killer sat back with a huff, sneering at Ink. "Crybaby." Ink sniffled, wiping his face with his sleeve. The principal cleared his throat, "Killer. Mind sharing what it was Ink said?" Ink paled suddenly, shaking his head desperately, glancing at his dad nervously. Killer bared his teeth in a vicious smile, "Of course! Ink said, 'Everyone knows that your dad is a little pussy bitch.' His. Exact. Words."

The principal turned to Ink, incredulous. "Is this true? Ink?" The boy turned away, silent. Top gasped, "Ink! Young man, that is entirely unnacceptable! We are going to have a talk when we get home." Killer sat back, pleased that Ink was being punished as well. "This does not excuse your behavior, Killer." The principal stated, cutting through Killer's contentment. Silence fell, minutes ticking by until finally there was a soft knock on the door. Killer perked up, facing the door excitedly. (lmfao he's like a lost puppy)

Cross appeared in the door, stepping in quickly. Killer's face fell, though, when Nightmare filed in after him. "Mr. Penaloza." Cross lifted his gaze, his eyes immediately going to Killer. Here it comes. "Mr. Dick. Why. Is my child. Wearing. A muzzle." Nightmare glanced at Killer as well, blinking in shock. He silently mouthed the words 'what the fuck.'

The principal smiled apologetically, "It's Mr. Rick, and Killer was being.. problematic. I'm afraid we had to restrain him so he could calm-" Cross held up a hand, "If you wanted him to calm down, Mr. Dick, this was not the way to go. Nightmare, take them off." 

Killer stared at the other, daring him to protest. Wisely, Nightmare did as he was told, unbuckling the muzzle and tossing it in the trash, moving to work at the rope. "Now, what was the problem." Mr. Rick cleared his throat, taking a pink write-up slip and reading it aloud. "While fighting another student, Killer threatened to kill him, used his magic to make a knife, and cursed at teachers when they tried to separate them." He put the paper down, lacing his fingers together and glancing up at Cross. "The use of magic is prohibited on school grounds, Mr. Penaloza. Not to mention, death threats are taken seriously. And attempting to stab another student is dangerous."

Mr. Rick sighed, "Sir, I'm afraid we'll have to expel him." Cross's reaction was explosive. He slammed his hands on the desk, nearly everything on it rattling from the force. Ink flinched back, Top shifting uncomfortably. Mr. Dick swallowed nervously, leaning back from Cross's hateful stare. "You won't."


Cross's blood was boiling. Killer walked behind him, staring at the floor dismally, his posture radiating shame. Nightmare was in the lead, awkwardly glancing at Cross's furious expression. He wanted to tease him, poke at his obvious insecurities about his parenting, but he was warded off by that expression. The meeting had gone horribly. Nightmare hadn't seen Cross so angry before, and he wasn't looking to see a repeat. His ears were still ringing from Cross's yelling.

The car ride back home was mostly silent. Until Cross told Nightmare to pull over at a gas station. "It's kinda late, I don't-" Cross snarled, snapping at him, "I fucking said to pull over! Go!" Nightmare fumbled with the steering wheel, parking just outside the glass doors. Cross got out, slamming the car door and disappearing into the store. Nightmare tapped on the wheel, nerves building up. "So, uh-" Killer sighed, sullen. "Just shut up."

Cross came back out with a water. He dropped it in the trash, getting into the car and taking a cigarette pack from his sleeve. "Hey-!" Cross paused, flicking his eyes to Nightmare. "Did you say something?" Nightmare backed down near-instantly, put off by Cross's sudden steely demeanor. Cross slipped the butt of an unlit cigar between his teeth, slipping a lighter from the same sleeve and lighting it. He inhaled slowly, letting a puff of white smoke out. Killer watched him with a sad gaze.


Cross never yelled at Killer like Nightmare expected. Instead, Cross sat on the porch after telling Killer to go to bed, and lit another cigar. He rubbed his neck, staring out the front door window at Cross's slumped figure. Eventually, he stepped out, quietly joining Cross. The other held out his cigar silently. Nightmare took the offered cigarette, blowing a few clouds before passing it back. "I thought you'd be yelling at Killer." Cross scoffed, rolling his eyes. "God no. Why would I yell at him? It's too soon." Nightmare hummed at that, somewhat confused. "Too soon??"

Cross took a long drag, blowing the smoke out slowly before saying, "He's already upset. Yelling makes it worse. I want him to calm down first, you know? Then, when he isn't prone to having a fit or an anxiety attack, I tell him what he did wrong, or why it was wrong."

"Are you sure that even works??" Cross shrugged, "I don't know. I think it does, if he respects me enough to listen to me. Besides, he doesn't hate me or get mad when I scold him, not like most teenagers." Nightmare thought about it, nodding slightly. That was true. Maybe Cross wasn't a bad parent. "So, are you going to yell at him later?" Cross glanced at Nightmare, eyes narrowed. "I've never raised my voice at him. Or, I try not to." 

Nightmare couldn't really comprehend that. "Then how do you discipline him??" Cross shrugged, "I don't."


whoo, killer got expelled from school?? nightmare learns about Cross's parenting methods?? and they work?? hmmm smells like plot

anyways, Dream was very shocked when Nightmare told him what happened. Gosh, Cross can actually stand up for himself and other people?? weird... This concept is entirely foreign to Nightmare.

next in the Rat series: Killer and Cross have a talk.

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