Chapter 2

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It had been a week since Louis spanked Niall, who swore to be good. And, he stuck by his word. Niall did his share of the chores, wasn’t grumpy at all, and to the boys’ surprise, he even tried to watch his language. They couldn’t believe the corporal punishment had worked so well, especially since it wasn’t even that hard.

“Niall, can you help me out?” Liam asked, struggling to bring a huge box into the flat.

Niall shot up, noticing Liam’s struggle. “’Course.” He smiled, and helped pick up the box and bring it in. They set it in the TV room, seeing as that room had the most room, and stood next to the box. “What’s in it?” Niall asked, curious.

Liam shrugged, “Dunno, I just found it outside on the porch.” He explained, recalling when he came home from lunch with Danielle.

Niall nodded, “Well, wanna open it?”

“Why not?” Liam shrugged, and retreated to the kitchen to bring back a knife. He came back and cut along the seams of the box to cut the tape off. He and Niall pried the box open, and inside were a bunch of packing peanuts. Liam dug to the bottom, and felt something cold and squishy.

He sighed and started throwing out handfuls of packing peanuts, only to find that the box was filled with gross, moldy carrots.

“What reeks?” Niall and Liam turned around to see Louis at the bottom of the stairs, sniffing the air. “Niall, the least you could do is excuse yourself.” Louis joked.

Niall rolled his eyes, laughing. “That wasn’t me. It’s a present from a fan…for you!” Niall motioned to the box. Louis looked inside, and saw a bunch of moldy carrots. He took a step back and yelled, “I don’t even like carrots!”

Niall and Liam shrugged, trying to not laugh. But they couldn’t help it, and ended up bursting into fits of laughter. Niall clutched the side of his stomach and Liam bit his lip in vain attempt to keep his laughter under control. It didn’t work, though, because he ended up rolling on the floor next to Niall in laughter.

Louis rolled his eyes and started backing out of the room, “You can clean that up…” He trailed off before darting up to his room.

Almost as if a switch had been flipped ‘off;’ Niall and Liam stopped laughing. They glared after Louis, but silently started cleaning up the packing peanuts scattered around the room. They put them in the box until all the peanuts were cleaned up.

“He should’ve cleaned up his present.” Liam grumbled, closing the box.

Niall shrugged, “I’m not complaining.” He bent down with Liam and helped him pick up the box. They carried it to the front door, set the box down again to open the door, and finally made it outside to put it by their mailbox (only so the trash men would know to throw the box away).

Once they returned inside, Liam studied Niall, who went back to eating the sandwich that he’d started on when Liam asked for help. He knew Niall was different; honestly it was obvious to all the boys. He was really timid now, he’d do everything they wanted when they wanted, and he wouldn’t complain or ask questions. Normally this would be deemed as good behavior, but Niall was a nine-teen year old boy; and it was unnatural for any teenager to not complain.

“Niall, are you alight?” Liam asked, fixing himself a glass of ice water and sitting next to Niall.

Niall knitted his eyebrows together and put down his sandwich. “Uhh…yeah? Why?”

Liam shrugged, “You’ve been acting like you’re scared of us…ever since Louis…you know…”

Niall gulped the bite of food in his mouth before chewing, and winced at the pain in his throat. “’m not scared,” His thick Iris accent stated, “I just don’t want to get hurt again.”

“You know he didn’t do it to hurt you.” Liam said.

Niall rolled his eyes, “But it still hurt!” He exclaimed, surprising even himself. He hadn’t felt that way before, why did he feel that way now?

Liam bit the inside of his lip to stay calm, “Niall, calm down. We probably won’t ever have to do it again-” He began, but was interrupted by Niall slamming his fist on the table.

“That’s just it!” Niall shouted. “We all know I’ll fuck up again, it’s like you’re waiting for it to happen!”

Liam groaned, “We never said you’d fuck up again, Niall.”

“That’s right, you didn’t.” Niall shot daggers at Liam. “I don’t need my four best mates to tell me I’m a fuck up, because that’s what I’m here for.” He stood up and left the table before Liam could respond, not even bothering to clean up his lunch mess. Niall just stomped up to his room and slammed the door shut.

After locking the door, Niall let his back slide down against the wood. His backside connected with the carpet, and that’s when Niall allowed himself to break down. He sobbed and sobbed, wondering why he had to be so rude to his friends and why these things always happened to him.

He knew he didn’t really have a reason to be angry at Liam- but he was embarrassed and really didn’t want to talk about the spanking Louis gave him. And, just by shouting and cursing at Liam, Niall knew that his predictions were confirmed; he did fuck up again.

Niall undid his belt and slid his pants off, just to punish himself even more. This is something he’d been doing for years, but he stopped once he joined the band so he could just enjoy life. It was something he couldn’t explain, but he just had a craving for. He just threw his jeans to the other side of the room, and lifted the hem of his boxers.

There were faint white lines, all of which over two years old. None of the boys saw them; you’d only notice them if you went looking. And Niall went looking over his thighs, relishing the lavish scars. But it wasn’t enough just to see the old ones; no.

He needed to make more.

A/N Does it make sense? I’m sorry it’s short! I just don’t have really any ideas for another spanking :P I know what to do later on in the story, but maybe if you have an idea you could pitch it to me? Nothing major and terrible. I’m sorry for asking for help haha! And yes, this story has self-harm. If you need to talk; I’m here! Love you. xoxo

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