"I told you I can read your mind." he said, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Stop being so obvious. I hate it when people do that."

I like her? If that's true then..... Am I being too obvious around her? That would be even more embarrassing. I looked at Hyung who diverted his attention from me again. "How can I not be obvious Hyung?" I asked, slightly embarrassed by thinking about my question.

He took a deep breath, his smirk fading away. "Just be like me." he said quietly, looking away. But I was quick enough to hear it. What does he mean? Does he like someone and tries  not to be obvious around them?

"What do you mea-" I was interrupted by the sound of few people entering the Café. I turned around to see Alex, Elena and Ray walking towards the counter. Alex spotted us and waved. Elena and Ray took in our presence too and for a split second I made eye contact with Ray but looked away immediately. Maybe Hyung was right. I do like her.

"(Y/N) was searching for you Yuta." Elena said. I turned to Yuta Hyung but he was looking at Ray with his eyes narrowed. He soon looked at me. "Talk with Ray. There's more you need to know about her." he said as he got up.

"Did you read her mind as well? What did you get to know?" I asked eagerly but he wasn't ready to reply.

"That's something for you to know it yourself." he said and patted my back before walking out of the room. I was just staring at the cup Hyung left on the table, when I heard someone yell.

"What the hell Alex?" Ray was now shouting with her hands raised up, as her shirt was stained with coffee.

"I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to spill it on you" said Alex looking scared. Elena looked rather pleased at witnessing the situation.

"Careful Alex! She might take off her gloves and rot you." Elena said whilst holding back her laughter, whereas Alex took few steps away from Ray.

"I'll go clean up" Ray said as she removed her gloves, placed it at the counter and made her way to the washroom. "I'll help you" said Elena as she followed her, giving Alex a pathetic look.

I took the waste cups from the table, stood up and walked towards Alex to find him looking scared as hell. I chuckled at him and he started making coffee. "Do you want some?" he asked me.

"Thanks. But I just had it." I said, as I threw the cups in the trashcan. I was about to leave when I noticed Ray's gloves placed on the counter. I took a quick glance at Alex who was busy preparing coffee and took the black coloured gloves off the counter, examining them. Just then I suddenly saw images flashing around in my head as I closed my eyes shut.


A plant burning. Her tear-stained face when she had put those gloves on. The way she stayed awake every night by looking out of the window, scary thoughts running through her mind. The way she withdrew her hands away from her friends when all she wanted was a small hug. She was scared. Scared that they would get hurt. Her smile hiding all the pain and sadness. Her thoughts everytime she was alone was way too depressing.

'I'm a threat'

'I'm a monster'

'I shouldn't be around people'

'What kind of power do I have? I can't even touch my loved ones?'

'I wish I could take off these gloves and walk free'

'I'm dangerous and there's no way I can stop this'

'I can't risk it. I don't want anyone to end up getting hurt because of me'

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