Twelve: janus/Roman/Virgil

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"What the hell!?" Janus glared at the man. "Linus!?"

"Surprised?" He laughed as he got closer. "Now it took awhile to find you all again, and I still had to lay low since I still have Patton's face...but this lovely kid I know...he showed me some interesting things you could do and I couldn't resist finding you all again! Getting revenge on Remus will be fun!" Janus shook his head.

"Lovely kid who are you..." Janus let his eyes widen in shock when the door opened and Jacob stood there. "Jacob!?"

"Hey Janus, sorry..." he looked at Linus. "I didn't tell you about my uncle..." Janus shook his head.

"Jacob I was taking you in I was going to protect you why would you-."

"Look, no offense but I know you would never fully trust me anyways after all my father did to you." Jacob walked over and frowned. "Besides, Linus is family and I'd rather not be killed by my uncle so shut your trap." They duct taped his mouth and dragged him out the front door. "We, are going to your favorite place Janus!" Janus shook his head.

"Oh yes Janus, and this time we'll keep you there for as long as we want because nobody is going to come looking for any of you. We forged Logan's signature on times off request, we knew Remus didn't work, Roman was easy we convinced them he was going out for a huge part and needs the time off for that audition, Patton can disappear and nobody would really notice cuz they'd assume he's with Roman, Virgil we just kidnapped his boss as well, and for you? Come on kid...nobody's gonna even notice you are missing." Janus started to shake when he was dragged from the car and through a bunch of familiar loops and turns. He saw the containment's and shook as they reached the one he was locked in for days on end. He was thrown down to the ground.

"Sit doggy." Jacob walked over to the corner and grabbed something attaching it to Januss neck.

"Good Jacob, now attach the leash." Janus shook his head as Jacob attached something to the collar. He looked at the wall and then back at Jacob as they tied his hands together. "This time you'll be stuck here alone no bugs, but you won't be able to get out without the code to the collar." Janus shook as they left the container locking it, and leaving him in with the darkness. He started to cry harder. He trusted Jacob. He was going to try and protect him why'd he betray him like this?


"Patton?" Roman opened his eyes and looked around the room he was in. His arms were chained to a wall and he groaned. He looked over and saw someone knocked out laying in the middle of the floor. "Patton!?"

"R-Roman?" He sat up and looked around.

"What the hell happened?" Roman asked.

"We were kidnapped I think...again..." Patton groaned. "Why the hell is it always us?"

"I don't know but that's a good question...other than who would want to kidnap us..."

"Do you think maybe Janus was right..." Patton asked. Roman frowned.

"About Remus?" Roman looked away. "I dont know Patton... I mean after all this time why would he suddenly decide to do it now?"

"Oh I love this." The door opened and Patton and Roman looked towards it. A man stood in the doorway wearing a silver mask that had symbols etched all around it.

"W-who are you!" Patton backed away quickly.

"Oh right, my apologies I'm wearing a mask." He laughed.

"Who. Are. You!?" Roman growled.

"Oh it's such a shame I'm going to kill you all, I had a lot of fun with you Roman." Roman felt his heart pick up.

"No.... you were shot! There's no way you survived they would have told us!"

"Oh but I did, and I'm really shocked and appalled you all became friends with Remus, after all he did have all the blame for what happened."

"The past is the past, let it fucking go." Roman growled.

"A Disney reference? Really Roman?" Linus stepped closer to Patton and frowned. "I really hate having your face.." he walked over and lifted pattons chin.

"Let go of him!" Roman growled. Linus walked over to Roman and looked him over with a laugh.

"Interesting, you cover your marks with makeup now? I thought you'd want people to know that you are a good for nothing slut." Roman glared. Linus wiped the makeup off romans neck and Roman flinched. "It's healed...well that's too bad."

"Get. Away." Roman hissed.

"Well come on you two..." Linus took off the cuffs and Roman glared at him as he walked over to Patton. "You have a dinner to attend."

"As if we'd go anywhere with you!" Patton growled.

"Your family is waiting for you." He hummed. Roman grabbed pattons hand and nodded. The two walked out after Linus. Roman squeezed pattons hand and glared at Linus as they walked. So he's back...but why didn't the cops inform them he survived that gunshot?


"Please tell me this is just a nightmare..." Virgil looked around the cell him and Remy were in. Remy shook his head.

"Nope this is reality...kidnapped by a crazy person." Remy looked around the cell then back at Virgil. "About that-."

"Remy, don't try and push it off as nothing." Virgil glared. "Because that sure as hell wasn't nothing."

"I know! I'm sorry I just didn't want you to see that. Any of it..."

"Remy, you are my friend and my boss. I care about you. So if something is going on in that pretty little head of yours I want to know right now okay? How are you really feeling about this whole thing Remy?"

"Pissed off." Remy laughed. "I haven't been this pissed off in years..."

"We'll get out of this." Virgil said quickly. He looked at the door. "I dont know how but we will."

AN sorry the updates a little short but I hope you liked it anyways!

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