Shopping pt.2

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A/N: This one was supposed to be short, just the reactions and Bakugou being revealed and an alternative ending to the reveal, one is a bit angsty and one is not but it ended up being long as fuck, so enjoy and sorry it took so long.


Ochako was getting ready to go for a run, wearing a blank tank top and pink shorts. She slipped on her raggedy old shoes and sighed in disappointment, wishing she had a new pair.

"Well, I'm ready to go!" She pumped her fist in the air before quickly exiting her room and almost tripping over something.

"Ow-hey!" She searched for what had tripped her and gasped in surprise when her eyes laid upon the exact shoes she'd stared at when walking in the mall, those were expensive shoes.

"A-Are these...meant for me?" She looked around and saw the other various little gifts next to peoples doors and grinned. "The gift giver has given again! Heck yeah!!" 

Quickly she switched out her shoes and groaned in pleasure at the feeling of brand new shoes on her feet. "Nothing like a new pair of shoes to put you in a good mood!" And then she was off, jogging through the park and keeping to the strict schedule Bakugou had suggested to keep her body in shape. "Best regimen for your dumbass quirk, you have a fuckton of potential, so use it." He had said.

So Ochako used it, and almost beat his ass two months later.


"Man, I'm hungry" Hakagure pouted as she sat up in bed, rustling the sheets.

She hummed and danced around her room a little in search of clothes before eventually pulling on a jacket.

"Wow, I really need to do the laundry" She laughed and opened her door.

Hakagure jumped back with a squeak when two hangars flew off her door handle.

"Oh, hey these are really pretty" She mumbled out before picking the matching out fits up and admiring them, it was exactly her style and size, looked really comfy and she couldn't wait to try them on.

So much so that she ran back into her room, picked out the pink crop top and green plaid skirt before bounding downstairs to eat some of the delicious leftovers on the stove.

"Mmmm" She hummed "So delicious! I wonder who made this!"

Bakugou gently smiled from the counter as she ate and spun around in her pretty clothes. 

Once she noticed him though, she gave a timid wave with a gloved hand and quickly left the room to eat with other people.

Bakugou sighed and continued washing everyone's dishes.


Momo hummed an american tune as she gracefully climbed the stairs, exhausted from today and wishing she had new tea blends to try.

Once she reached her dorm she was pleasantly surprised  at the boxes of tea in front of it.

"Oh." She reached down and picked them up "Well this is certainly a lovely gift, I hope I have clean tea cups."

Quickly she unlocked her dorm room and poured herself a cup of tea using the water contraption that came from the last gift giving extravaganza.

Once she brought the tea to her lips she smiled, it smelled amazing and she guessed it was maybe Australian. The thought left her as soon as she took a sip and her eyes blew wide, happy with the turn out.

Oneshots of whatever (Fluff mostly)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن