SpEcIaL cOoKiEs

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A/N: iS tHaT a RaRe sHiP i SeE. Hi, yeah I've been hella inactive the last couple days lol, sorry. Anywhooo this is gonna be a kind of stoner AU, where they all enjoy getting high every once in a while. Bakugou is going to be a little more chill in this, just cause I want him to be. Fight me. Enjoy!

Denki POV

Isn't my Kastuki just fucking awesome?? It's quarantine so we can't go to the dispensary because we don't need weed for medical purposes, well Kat does, for his PTSD. BUT he decided that instead of just SHARING his shipment of medical weed, he'd bake it into cookies so we can send it to friends without the...uh...well the cops coming after us again. 

WAP was blasting through the speakers as my baby rolled his eyes at my horrible dancing. He was smothering his giggles though, so that's something.

Katsuki slid the cookies into the oven and set the timer while I looked at the bowl, there was still dough in it. I licked my lips and tried to think of something that would get me because obviously my baby was too busy to give me his.

I reached out to take just a little swip of the finger and a hand came out and slapped my wrist, I jerked back by reflex.

"Ohhh no you don't" My stunning gorgeous, almighty boyfriend grabbed the bowl and set it on the counter away from me.

"But baaaaabe" I whined.

"No." He said and pecked me on the lips "I love you"

I pouted but then had an idea. "I love you too"

I kissed him harder, lips moving in sync and hands roaming bodies. Somehow, *cough*purposely*cough* my hands ended on Katsuki's plump gorgeous ass and squishing his thick thighs.

He moaned into the kiss and it was getting really hard to stick with my plan.

I hoisted him up on the counter and gently took my hand off his ass....

To scoop the cookie dough and run.

"GODDAMMIT DENKS" I heard my boyfriend yell as I ran into our room "YOU ASSHOLE I HAVE TO WATCH THE TIMERRRRRR" If I didn't know any better I'd say that my hotheaded boyfriend just whined at me. Cute.

I came back eventually but I wasn't allowed to eat any of the cookies.

At least after I got back from the post office Katsuki let me eat his cake. ;)))

A/N: So aparently my stories just end up writing themselves lmao. I won't be updating for a while on any of my books because spring break and I'm gonna waste it watching anime, eating ice cream and annoying the shit out of my friends with memes, have a great whatever holiday is in spring and the many separate religious and cultural differences to it!!

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