21. Ghosts of the past

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Important A/N at the end! please read.


The sun shines down brightly as children run around in a small field. Laughter and shouts ring across the field but below the shade of an old tree, a small girl sits crouched on the ground, alone, patting a mound of soil.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A young boy looks at the girl.

"Making a grave for mama and papa." The girl replies, face sulky and eyes soon brimming with tears.
"Because.. because I don't know where their real graves are.." She brings her knees together, wrapping her arms around them.

"Oh.. how about I help you find them then?" The boy replies, a bright smile gracing his face.

(Y/N) wakes up in a cold sweat, her breathing ragged as she gasps for air. A sharp pang of emotion shoots through, her chest tightening as she clutches the fabric of her t-shirt over her chest. Regret? guilt? sadness? anger? She isn't sure. She stopped being able to tell the difference a long time ago.

Birds chirp outside as the muted chatter of pedestrians flow in from the windows. The white head stirs in her bed and stares up at the ceiling. She can feel a headache coming so she groans tiredly while bringing her hand to her face.

It'd had been a while since she'd last had a dream from way back then. Dreams that came from memories that were once lived. No, they weren't dreams. They were nightmares that had been plaguing her for years. Nightmares that showed her exactly what she wanted to forget, what she was desperately trying to run from. Nightmares that had been slowly eating her away, tearing apart what remained of her sanity.

They were getting less frequent so why now?

(Y/N) liked to think she was alright. The dull constant pain pricking her hands. The headache that followed whenever she saw dreams of a reality that seemed unreal for her current self. The weight of a past covered in blood and despair. She's okay. She's fine. She needs to be.

Her thoughts are interrupted by the increasingly loud buzzing of her phone. The buzzing stops as she doesn't pick up the call. Soon a message pops up on the screen, lighting it up.


Please come visit the mansion today. I have urgent matters to discuss with you.


A series of continuous taps is emitted from the man seated behind the large mahogany table. He taps his index finger in a steady rhythm while his other hand lifts up a sheet of paper. Eyebrows furrowed slightly as the man seems to be lost deep in the piece of document, his eyes shining with what seemed to be interest, skimming over the lines. As he shuffles through some more of the countless papers scattered on his table, a knock interrupts him.

"Master, Ms. Goethe has arrived." A muted voice from behind the heavy door announces.

"Let her in." He replies before the door opens and (Y/N) steps in. Alistair smiles wide, the usual forbidding aura surrounding him gone out the window and now replaced with a playful demeanor, one that made him seem as young as he actually was. He stands up and makes his way around the table as his white haired guest walks in, a smile playing on his lips.

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