Chapter 3: Roaring Fists

Start from the beginning

Maybe this time, with some luck, I'd be able to find somewhere more welcoming. 

But boy was I wrong. 

No one wanted to welcome a potential murderer into their territory. 

Bet the whole world knows about the 'evil deeds' I did a few years back, which was totally unfair because the hunters started it first. 

I thought it would be fine if I acted like a nice Pokemon which dropped by the village saying hi and looking for shelter. 

Clearly, that didn't work, because once I stepped foot in the village, people just screamed in fear of me and rushed into their houses, shutting the door and windows tight. 

The others who didn't started throwing rocks at me and attacking me with the hopes of defending the village/ catching me to add into their team. 

That wasn't really nice.

Then there's this other place. It was alright until thunderstorms started gathering in the sky and flooded the village. 

It wasn't my fault that thunderclouds appear when I run, right?  

The next time I found a place to stay in, I remained hidden away. I became real cautious, hoping that no one would find me this time. Even so, they somehow found me eventually, and I have no idea why either. But either way, I had to leave again— before they start hunting me down. 

And so, it went on like a vicious cycle. I had to relocated every once in a while, which was pure annoying. 

But of course, that alone wouldn't shake off the hunters-- or those who desire to catch me.

A few years after that, when I was around 7, that happened. 

I prowled along the trees cautiously as I searched for my lunch, preferably a few mushrooms. But really, berries would do as well, I ain't a picky eater. 

You may think that I'd be hunting down prey and greedily dig out their meat to eat. I haven't tried that, since it's safer not to do so. Just in case I accidentally ate one of the human's Pokemon. That'll totally further ruin my already-ruined reputation.

I caught a glimpse of something moving in the bushes and a glint of silver. I quickly whirled around, but before I had time to react, a net projectile had me caught in its grasp tightly. 

I squirmed on the ground, desperate to break free. Extending my razor sharp claws, I tried to pierce through the net. 

No luck. 

Whatever the net was made of, it was tough as hell, and I couldn't claw my way out. Instead, the more I moved around, the more tangled I got. Before long, I was trapped in an awkward position. 

"Gotcha~" I heard someone speaking behind me. 

I roared as she kicked me over and stepped on my torso, stabbing my leg once with her dagger.

There was a burning sensation on my leg as blood started oozing out from the injury. 

"There~ Now you won't be running away!" The woman declared with a smug look on her face. 

It hurts! It hurts! IT HURTS!  My brain shouted. I really wanted to give her a scar or two to teach her a lesson. Growling, I summoned a streak of lightning from the sky. 

"Whoopsies~ that won't work~" she taunted. 

A metal pole not far from where she was had absorbed all the electricity. 

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