Chapter 5: Curse

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"I'm back..." the boy said as he closed the door behind him.

I still haven't caught his name, so I'll just call him 'Fluffy' for now. You know, since his hair is all fluffy and messy.

Fluffy opened the wardrobe, peeking in, "oh, there you are. Careful with the clothes."

Jumping out of the wardrobe, Fluffy took out a roller like object from his bag and started rolling it on his clothes.

"What's that for?" I asked, standing beside him and eyeing it curiously. He tipped his head slightly. Of course. Humans don't understand what I'm saying. All they hear are series of growls.

"Ah... I'm getting your fur off my clothes. I have nose allergy, so wearing clothes with your fur stuck to it would irritate my nose pretty badly," he explained after a moment of thinking.

Shortly after that, he emptied out his bag, pouring out a mountain of Pecha berries, "here, your berries,"

Settling down on the floor, I tossed a few berries into my mouth. Fluffy just let me do my thing as he started tapping away on his laptop and browsing through books.

I edged over to look at what he's doing. Spotting me, he smiled, showing me the crude drawing he did on his laptop. "look, it's you, Zeraora!"

I raised my eyebrows at the terrible drawing.

"Hehe. I know it's pretty bad," he admitted, "it's for a school project," pausing for a moment thoughtfully, his eyes sparkled with excitement, "hey, Zeraora, it says here that you can summon thunderstorms. Can you do that right now?"

I gave him a weird look. Is this kid actually excited about a thunderstorm of all things?

He looked at me expectantly, his eyes practically glowing.

"Pretty please?" He peeped, "for the berries?"

I rolled my eyes with a frown, "it's completely your fault if I get chased out of here."

Rubbing my paws against each other, intense static electricity started crackling from them.

Fluffy's eyes went wide as he grabbed a nearby notebook and started scribbling on it.

There was a low rumble outside as black thunderclouds started enveloping the clear blue sky above. Out of the thick, curling, ominous clouds, lightning struck the ground.

"Oh, woah," Fluffy breathed, marvelled. Quickly, he dug out a weird looking device from one of the drawers. I growled at it. Is he going to capture me with that now that he has seen my terrifying power? Just what is inside this boy's mind?

"Wait here," he told me with a broad smile on his face, "I'm gonna measure the intensity of the storm and collect data."

I put on my unamused face while I gawked inside my brain. Seriously. A 7 year old kid? Heading out into a storm? To collect data? With an excited, satisfied look on his face?

This is just insane. What even is this child made of.

And so, days went by just like that. He would leave every morning while I just waited for him in his room, eyeing the books, looking around, and hiding just to be safe. Then in the afternoon, he'd come back, with a bag full of Pecha Berries. Afterwards, they'll have some fun together, read a book, play a game, or just share berries with each other. Sometimes, he'd sit down on his bed with his laptop on his lap and piles of books and papers scattered around as he typed away. I'd help myself to a few berries while watching him do his schoolwork.

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