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Pov Sabrina

It is late at night Nicholas and I are embraced, the boy next to me is sleeping soundly while I am a kind of half-sleep.

Now I am leaning on Nicholas' bare chest and through my cheek I feel all the warmth of him, while he has wrapped my waist with his arm with ardor holding me close to him.

As I stared at him sleeping I just couldn't help but think that he was beautiful as well as brave and intelligent boyfriend that he is him.

I am really lucky to have him by my side, since we got back together I have rediscovered a side of me that I had long forgotten. I touch his hair gently and place a chaste kiss in the hollow of his neck.

I try to fall asleep completely too but I hear a noise in the room and I can't, I decide not to give much importance to the fact.

And I lean back on the pillow and I get close to Nicholas then just as I was about to go back to sleep a female voice whispers "Wake up, wake up lovebirds. It's time to get up."

"Lilith I'm not too tired now and I had just managed to fall asleep." I answered her.

Then the voice went back to saying "Poor baby! And anyway I'm not Lilith but Prudence."

Realizing what the voice had said I got up slightly and instinctively covered me with the blanket, Prudence is right in front of the bed looking at us with reproach.

I asked her "What are you doing in our room?"

She said impatiently, "If their majesties do me the honor of getting up, I don't know what but maybe they can be useful to the academy."

I wonder what Prudence is referring to, what happened?

I turned to Nicholas and saw him still in total sleep, despite Prudence's screams. I got irritated and yelled "Nicola! Wake up!"

Still nothing. I gave him a few shakes and finally I began to notice some signs of awakening, with a drowsy tone he said "What's happening? Sabrina is back but what are you doing is soon, she goes back to sleep!"

And she pulled me by the arm to pull me down with him in bed and all this under the astonished gaze of Prudence and irritated she yelled at him "Wake up slacker and believe me that if I come you will not receive caresses or kisses anything else."

With this threat Nicholas deigned to wake up and dazedly asked "Prudence why are you here?"

Annoyed replied "I'm here to pick you up and take you to the academy and even if not so why since you are practically useless, and you why in this period you have not been seen or heard?

Before Nicholas could provide him with an answer, Prudence did in her place and ironically said "Because I was too busy running after someone, right?"

Nicholas looked at her badly and I add that I did not miss her in her usual direct and not very delicate ways of her.

We got up in bed and went to get ready while Prudence was telling us everything that had happened and when she thanked Nick for her warning for the hunters, Nick looked at me guilty.

"What are Nicholas referring to?" I asked irritably.

He started stammering nonsense things and then I invited him to provide clearer explanations "Nicholas explain better I don't understand what you are saying."

Prudence comments on the scene by saying "Here is the first quarrel between the lovebirds after the great reconciliation."

Then Nicholas told Prudence not to make inappropriate comments, then my boyfriend was saved only thanks to the fact that I decided to go and wake Klaus too. The more the better, right?

Despite everything together againOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant