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Pov Nicholas

'' For the night I stay in Greendale to settle various unresolved issues, you warn the others for me.

I love you.

Your Spellman. ''

Reading this message arrived a few moments ago from Sabrina, I really rejoiced for her, with outstanding issues I guess she was referring to her family and keeping her fingers crossed probably by now they will have already made peace.

I really wish that with all my heart for her and for all the Spellmans that they all return to being a happy and united family they used to be. Even if Sabrina tries not to show it in these days in which I have been here I have noticed her sadness and the lack of her that she feels towards her earthly affections of her.

While I go in search of Goffredo to warn him that his sister is not coming back for tonight I reflect on the relationship between me and Sabrina in this place, I admit that in the first days I stayed here I was a bit hesitant to go around for fear of to meet Lucifer but then when Sabrina told me that Lucifer is currently in a comatose state, I immediately calmed down.

Then as far as Lilith is concerned we have found a kind of silent agreement between us in which we don't bother each other and for once we also have a common purpose to look after Sabrina's interests. I would never have said that that woman could be capable of feeling affection for someone but obviously I was wrong I noticed the care and attention that she gives to her son of her and to Sabrina.

But I am not even so surprised because I know very well from experience that it is practically impossible not to become attached to Sabrina.

Even with his brother I think I have reached a sort of understanding, the first time I established a dialogue with the boy I could not believe that he was really the son of Lucifer and Lilith because he is really a naive and good-feeling boy.

When he came to give me the usual protective brother warning speech that you usually give to your sister's boyfriend I found him to say the least adorable, you can see that he is really very attached to his sister.

During the time I was here I had the opportunity to witness many of their fights and I have to say that every time I had to keep myself from laughing before I got into trouble.

Everything is going great in these last days except that I feel an incessant childish jealousy towards the relationship that Sabrina and her cousin Klaus have, I know I'm a fool to feel envy for a relationship strictly based on friendship and kinship but every time that I see them together so carefree I just can't resist.

Things are great between me and Sabrina even better than when we were kids, in the early days following our reconciliation we had had countless discussions about our relationship and what we both expect from the future.

When that evening at the party I saw her fall to the ground unconscious I had the absolute certainty that that girl as long as she wants me I will never leave again.

On my way to the common room she heard an unfamiliar voice talking about something very, very strange.

"Is it time for that conceited bitch and her beloved family to pay for all their actions, is everything ready for the day after tomorrow?"

Trying not to get noticed I leaned slightly to identify who was speaking, I recognized them both immediately one is Josh and the other is a king of the plague. What do they refer to by making him pay?

Then what for? And above all to whom do they refer?

That boy Josh based on the words of Godfrey is a type to avoid then I remember that he had said to me a phrase that suggested that that character had something to do with the attack of the hunters.

What if he was referring to Sabrina?

Because he should be angry with Sabrina especially her family as far as I know they have not done him any wrong, so why do all this.

Then I remembered again the words of Sabrina's brother that he about her infatuation with my girlfriend, Sabrina has just recovered from her illness I can't risk getting hurt so I won't tell her what I just heard.

The best solution I have at the moment is to go talk to someone else about it so I started thinking about who to say something so important.

Godfrey? No ... he is still too young and then in this last period he has been very distracted and I also believe that he has returned with Rebecca to the delight of his sister. Lilith? I'd rather not and I was left with only one name. Klaus.

After several hours spent looking for him then I find Klaus at the bar intent on having fun, I went towards him and greeted him "Hi Klaus, we two have to talk about something of great importance."

He looked at me bored and asked me ironically "You don't want to ask me for some advice for the relationship with my cousin, do you? Because I warn you that I am not the best person for this kind of thing indeed I am not at all."

I sat on a stool next to him and said "Quiet I'm not here for this but for Josh."

Hearing that name Klaus reacted immediately and asked me in alarm "Did he tell you or did something that bothered you?"

I denied with my head after my answer he calmed down and asked me "What do you want to tell me about him?"

I replied directly "I clearly heard him talking with one of the plague kings about an attack to get revenge on a woman and her family, most likely referring to Sabrina and the Spellmans and you Morningstar."

He looked at me in shock and asked "Why did you tell me instead of telling my cousin?"

I explained to him that seeing Sabrina in the delicate condition in which she is, it would be better not to agitate or stress her with this matter, I preferred to report it to him first and Klaus agreed with me that this was the best decision.

He then he added "Then alone we can not do anything, we must tell Lilith and being the regent when the queen is absent she can help us."

After agreeing on the various details on how to proceed Klaus came out asking me various questions about my relationship with his cousin, while I continued to converse with him I realized that he is a really nice guy now I understand why Sabrina spends so much time together , I just wonder what Ambrose will think of him when he learns of his existence.

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