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Pov Sabrina

"At noon in the woods in the usual place. I wait for you.''

After writing this message on my hand with the magic marker, Nicholas' idea, for my aunt Hilda I turn to Goffredo and see him with a blank stare.

She looked like the sleeping beauty in the woods, I was afraid she would start singing!

My brother is walking among the trees contemplating nature and animals, it will be the effect of his first exit from hell hoping that this state of mind will pass very quickly or I will have to provide.

I advised him "Try not to get lost in the woods I would not have to organize a search team to come and save you who knows where. I warn you if you get lost I swear I'll leave you here."

He came up to me and said lightheartedly "Calm down sister, I'm here to protect you not to make you worry."

I feel in an iron barrel!

So I added "I should have left you at home instead of this crazy idea of ​​taking you, but what was on my mind when I accepted?"

He replied amusedly "You were probably too busy thinking saccharine thoughts about Nicholas ... instead of thinking about what you were saying."

When the message arrived, I glared at my brother but it wasn't enough to shut him up completely.

"After all, it might be favorable that you are so involved, so that your dominance ambitions can be shared with someone else and you won't just focus on me anymore."

Crazy, I can't believe my ears! Are you accusing me of being a control freak, by any chance?

Then I said to him "Quiet little brother! Nobody takes the first place away from you, you will always have a special place in my heart."

Then Goffredo blurted out "Come on I can't be under your control for life!"

I smiled and reassured him about "You are deluded, dear! Trust me I will not lose sight of you for the duration of your life, besides being your sister as well as your queen I have the power to make you do what I want for the duration of your miserable existence. "

I'm satisfied my little speech impaled him.

All defeated, Goffredo went for another round in the surroundings, leaving me alone. A short time later I realized that my aunt was coming from afar and I had a rush of happiness.

Arrived at the meeting point she did not notice my presence so I told her "You're late! Well 5 minutes aunt."

She turned to me and smiled and said "Honey I'm not what I used to be and then escaping your Aunt Zelda was quite a feat."

I laughed at her statement and then my aunt pointed out to me "We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

I told her that it had been only 2 months since our last meeting and my aunt replied sadly, "Even if only a few days had passed it seems like an eternity. No more having you here as it used to have a certain effect."

As soon as we got closer we hugged each other in the meantime my brother arrives who clumsily stumbles interrupting our moment.

Which immediately made me think it was best to leave him at home.

Obviously my aunt immediately dived to help him, she helps him to get up and she, particularly worried, asks him if everything is okay as you would do on a two-year-old child on the other side is a poultice.

I will have to resign myself to this characteristic of him.

"Are you all right, little one?"

He nods disconsolately. And it was my turn to ask him how he was "Are you still alive?"

Looking at me badly, Goffredo replied "I'm better than before thanks."

I told him just for fun "Maybe the blow to the head woke you up, who knows? Anything is possible!"

My brother replied "AH AH witty, have you ever thought about the possibility of working for a talk show?"

My aunt intervened to stop this exchange of ideas "Sabrina, you should show some kindness fell poor boy."

Goffredo, all satisfied with having found an ally, said "See! What a bad impression you do to always treat me badly? Only you can do it!"

I glared at Goffredo then heard my aunt ask "Is it your brother by any chance?"

I replied "Yes to my bad luck."

Then Goffredo retorted "And by the end of the day you like me I'm so beautiful and nice."

I added at the end of his speech "And a lot of pimp too."

My aunt Hilda turned to Goffredo and said, "Honey don't worry I'll take you under my protection and call me Aunt Hilda. I'll take care of comforting you since let her lose that icicle sister you find yourself."

Witnessing this pitiful scene I raised my eyes to the sky then heard my brother exclaim "Take iceberg as an example!"

They both then had the courage to laugh at me in the face.

"Why on earth should I be the one to cuddle you? Since you already have an expert comforter available as a lover."

Alluding to Rebecca, he replied all offended "Lover? She is not my lover, Rebecca is the woman of my life because you really don't want to accept it? Then what about Nicholas, he's your boyfriend, but nobody says anything to about why? What does he have that I don't have? "

She replied dryly "Meanwhile he is of age because I would never have dreamed of going to look for my partner at the nursery, according to him he is not a poultice like you."

Then my aunt intervened once more, definitively putting an end to our bickering.

To put an end to the silence created between us I asked Hilda "So aunt why did you make me come here?"

She replied "Let's not think about unpleasant things right away before we all go for a nice ride to the Riverdale fair" then she turned with a loving attitude and said "so we can get to know each other better."

He all smiling nodded, I told my brother that his job here was done and I told him that he had to go back to hell to avoid more trouble.

But he replied "You come back! I prefer to stay here with my nice aunt instead of being over there with my harpy mother who will surely want to annoy me with some unjustified lecture of course."

I immediately replied "If you were more attentive and efficient no one would try you again for nothing."

At that point my aunt intervened again that pimp had managed to move her and after various insistences from her she managed to convince me to let him stay.

As we were walking all together towards Riverdale my aunt said to me "So tell me everything."

"All what?" I asked confused.

She smiled and she replied "Don't pretend to be silly, with your brother some news can't remain secret. I mean you and Nicholas."

Of course, because here we have 'the gazette of hell', not everyone has certain fortunes!

That gossip will never learn to keep his mouth shut.

During our trip I told my aunt the whole story of how Nick and I had found each other and how we got back together, avoiding telling her the part where I had been sick.

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