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Pov Sabrina

Aunt Hilda, Goffredo and I once arrived at the fair we started shooting it all. There were stands of all kinds from clothes, to food, from the occult, to books and so on ...

Goffredo's attention was immediately captured by an occult stand I noticed the spark in his eyes when he saw two perfectly identical heart-shaped silver pendants. The seller then explained to us that the pendants can be opened and that a photo can be inserted inside, he also added that it is an ideal gift to give to two lovers.

Having said that I turned to see my brother staring at me pleadingly, I knew what he was asking me without even using words. He wanted me to take the charms from him so that he could give one to his beloved as a sign of their 'eternal love'.

Taken by pity, she granted his wish and while I was buying the pendants for my brother I let myself be tempted to make two purchases too, I took two thoughts for Nicholas and Klaus.

For Nicholas I bought a book of old spells that once belonged to a famous sorcerer while for Klaus I bought a collectible board game knowing that he likes them so much.

As we continued our tour of the stalls Aunt Hilda and I continued to converse until at a certain point we ran into someone very familiar, after a first moment of icy silence the tension dissolved and I exclaimed "Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper, how long time that you do not see! "

They both smiled at us, they were really happy with this meeting and exclaimed "What a nice surprise Sabrina!"

Archie asked us "What good wind brings you around here?"

I told him that we were here simply to take a ride while we were hugging Betty let slip "Frost hasn't been seen in years for years, Ronnie and I were starting to think that you had been kidnapped."

My brother, laughing, muttered "I wish it were so ..."

In response the whole group laughed out loud while I was not at all amused by the joke so I gave my brother a warning look that silenced him.

My brother is loosening his tongue too much to be outdoors, perhaps it would be appropriate to give him a nice little speech once we get back home.

When the euphoria in the group began to pass I noticed a certain complicity between Archie and Betty never seen before, has the unthinkable happened?

I remember that as children they had a great affinity it seemed that they were born to be together, but the spell was broken when the two became engaged to different people.

Then Archie asked me who the boy was, I replied that he was my brother and then I introduced Goffredo to my friends. We then chatted for a quarter of an hour especially mentioning the boys missing my Aunt Hilda's kitchen.

After saying goodbye, with the promise to see each other again in the future, having arrived at lunchtime, we went to a stand to have lunch all together.

We sat on a bench and everyone took what their stomach wanted, a short time later we finished and my brother asked me for permission to take another tour of the stalls I gave him my consent so he finally left the opportunity to me and mine Aunt Hilda to talk about really important matters.

"So, aunt, what's going on in Greendale? According to your letter, something really serious must have happened:"

After I finished drinking her coffee my aunt told me everything that had happened in the last few weeks mentioning the famous attack on the house by the hunters, then she mentioned the fact that Ambrose has future plans to come to hell to talk to me. and that he has no intention of abandoning the project.

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