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Pov Zelda

"Ambrose why have you gathered us here so urgently?"

Ambrose replied, "I've gathered you all here to tell you two news."

We were at the academy and in the studio there were Ambrose, his friend Archie, my sister and me. Who knows what it will take to talk about.

I hope you don't go too far with the speeches because in half an hour I have a lesson and I have no time to waste.

Ambrose resumed his speech once he had gotten everyone's full attention "So the first news I would like to tell you is that Nicholas is currently in hell and I think we all know the reasons that led him to go there. . "

Shocked Hilda asked Ambrose "Are you sure what you're saying honey? Maybe he just went on a vacation to relax somewhere."

Ambrose immediately reiterated "I'm sure Aunt Prudence confirmed it to me and it is highly probable that by now he will already be there with her."

I expected that sooner or later something like this would happen all these years I noticed the sadness that boy carries since she is gone. It was a matter of time before one of them would catch up with the other.

What I don't explain is why Prudence was not honest with me when I asked her where Nicholas had gone. But thinking about it there could be a reason, maybe the girl didn't want to betray the trust of her friend.

When the buzz of the news just subsided Ambrose continued "The other reason I have gathered you here is that I have found a way and a companion to go to hell."

"And who would Ambrose accompany you?" Hilda asked him obviously agitated.

He replied that Archie would be accompanying him and that very soon when Prudence confirms that Nicholas is fine he will show me an alternate portal to access hell without anyone noticing. "

Why not use Dorian's painting?

I wanted to ask him for an explanation but Archie beats me on time "Why not use Dorian's?"

From what I understand from Ambrose's words it seems that my niece has issued a decree in which she imposes an absolute ban on anyone going to hell. In short, no one can enter or leave that place while my nephew continued to discuss the subject with Archie I noticed my sister staring at her right hand with a little too much joy.


Pov Hilda

'' At noon in the woods in the usual place. I wait for you.''

When I read that message on my hand my heart jumped for joy, then I remembered that I had to contain my reaction since my sister is also present in the room, who is staring at me suspiciously at this moment.

I composed myself and resumed a serious and detached attitude, I will not allow my sister to learn our secret in this way. The obstacles that prevent me from sharing with my sister the fact that Sabrina and I see each other in secret from time to time are two.

The first is that, already imagining the exaggerated reaction that my sister will have when she finds out, I prefer to avoid telling her and the second reason is that it was Sabrina who asked me not to say anything to anyone.

For fear that you will never want to see me again if I reveal the secret, I kept silent.

Oh yeah! My niece and I have kept in touch and have seen each other in secret from time to time for so many years now.

A month after Sabrina had disappeared from our lives, one day I didn't have her anymore and I got in touch with her. She answered me shortly after and following a conversation I had with Sabrina I understood the real reasons that led her to do what she did and I understood her.

I did not question her choice, I also accepted her wish and we agreed never to lose contact again, so our little secret adventure began.


Pov Zelda

Who knows what my sister is up to, I have been watching her for days and I can confidently say that she is hiding something.

I went up to her and asked her on the sly "Did you get any good news by chance?"

In a mock indifferent tone she replied "No, why are you asking me this strange question?"

I explained to her that I had noticed her strange behavior of hers before I had seen her stare at her hand and then flinch for seemingly no reason.

Hilda explained to me that she had received a message in which an old acquaintance of hers had returned to Greendale after a long time and that she now she had to go because they had agreed to meet at a specific time.

When I proposed to accompany her she told me it was not necessary and from that moment I made the decision to talk to Ambrose about this story.

When Hilda left the study followed immediately after by Archie I motioned to Ambrose to stay, he closed the door of the room and asked me "What do you want to talk to me about aunt?"

I replied "Your Aunt Hilda is hiding something from us and also very important, I feel that woman is doing something but I don't know what yet. I need you to investigate, you need to keep an eye on her for me."

Then Ambrose outraged by my request said "I won't do it Aunt Zelda! It doesn't seem the way to treat a family member especially if it's Aunt Hilda if you have any doubts you should just ask her."

"Even if I did, he wouldn't tell me anything but if it's about you he'll let his guard down and if it's easier to understand what he's hiding from us."

After a long discussion I managed to convince Ambrose and we agreed that if he doesn't notice anything strange within 4 days he will put an end to the stalking.

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