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Pov Ambrose

I think there have never been worse times than these, but in the darkest moment I'm starting to slowly see the light again. After years of guilt and regret, I managed to make peace with one of the most important people in my life.

When my cousin was at the door telling me she wanted to fix things I couldn't believe it I thought it was a bad joke from someone but no.

Instead, as if by a miracle, after years of her absence from her yesterday we were having dinner all together as a single family that Aunt Hilda and Doctor C. were absent.

It had greatly improved my mood to see Aunt Zelda and Sabrina conversing quietly as if nothing had ever happened.

Now I'm looking for Prudence to tell her that I no longer need her to show me her mysterious portal that leads to hell, last night I talked to Sabrina about this topic and she explained to me that things down there are not the most peaceful.

In short, my cousin strongly advised me not to venture there alone and that I shouldn't worry about her since she had Klaus and Nicholas beside her. When she mentioned me Nicholas I was happy but when I heard her talk about Klaus a little less, I know it's stupid childish jealousy but I miss the times when I was her only cousin to turn to.

It was our only thing to help us in times of need to try to escape the thoughtful judgment that Aunt Zelda would give us.

Now competing with me are both a new cousin and also a stepbrother from Morningstar.

I found Prudence in the library preparing an upcoming lesson for her class, I greeted her "Hi Prudence."

She looked up slightly at me and replied "Hi Ambrose, what can I do for you?"

I told her, "I wanted to tell you that I no longer need your help to go to hell as there have been some notable changes recently."

She interrupts her reading and asks "What kind of news?"

I told her that Sabrina had recently returned to Greendale for various reasons and that we had made peace just yesterday, although I think she and Aunt Zelda should have further clarification.

She was amazed and told me that she did not expect it since Nicholas had not yet deigned to tell her anything about it then added "I guess Nicky is currently too busy to write to me as he will spend most of his time on how to make his Juliet happy. "

I laughed lightly about her statement about her and then told her that that hypothesis was very likely, yesterday when I asked my cousin about Nick she went all red.

At that precise moment she sensed that things were going just fine between them, from the first moment I saw them together I knew they were meant to be together.

I had the confirmation when the boy had sacrificed himself for the good of the girl he loves by imprisoning Lucifer in himself then when Sabrina ran a thousand obstacles to save her boyfriend.

I remember that in the days when Sabrina and Nicholas had been divided by fate my cousin was no longer herself, she was always in her room on her own she barely went out all she had in mind was to go and save the boy she loved with all her heart itself.

"So are you happy that you and your cousin have made peace?"

I happily replied that yes I had never been so happy in this period, perhaps the only person who could have cheered me up besides my cousin in this period is right in front of me.

And no after all these years I still haven't been able to get it out of my head, in a few occasions I have known love the real one: the first time I had the opportunity to experience that feeling was with Luke and the second was with Prudence .

I remember that with her by my side everything was more beautiful and everything was happier but unfortunately, good things end too soon.

And nothing can be done about it.

As we laughed and joked I noticed that Prudence's attitudes towards me have greatly improved and that I smile more than once.

She is so beautiful when she smiles and it's a shame that given the character she has she doesn't do it more often.

The girl in front of me asked me a question that shook my whole world "Ambrose what do you think would have happened between us if I hadn't ended our relationship?"

A little hesitant I replied "I have two hypotheses, the first in which you would be equally tired of me and that at this moment to hide my body somewhere very far from here."

She laughed softly and as she got closer and closer to me she asked me "And which one would be the second?"

Approaching her too, I replied with a softer tone "The second hypothesis is that maybe we would still be together and that maybe with time we would have learned to love each other even more than then."

Our faces were very close and our hands were almost on the verge of joining into one as well as our lips, when I was convinced that we were about to kiss we were interrupted by something.

Or rather from a message for Prudence when she opened it she informed me it was from Nicholas, damn him!

I hope for my cousin's boyfriend that he has more than good motivation for interrupting our moment.

I saw Prudence put a worried look on her face as she read the note so I asked her "Is everything okay Prudence? What did Nick write to you?"

She handed me the note and said, "Nicholas wrote to me to warn me that it is highly probable that the academy could suffer an attack these days."

I read the note and it said that a possible army of professional witch hunters could attack the academy with the aim of exterminating us all, but as long as I have breath in my body this will not happen.

"We must notify my aunt immediately, she must know so we can all prepare as best we can."

She replied that she agreed with me and shortly after we set out in search of the High Priestess and as expected by both of us she is in her office.

After a very angry Zelda broke in she blurted out "Ambrose an evening spent in the company of your cousin and have you already regained her impetuous attitudes?"

Ignoring her little dig, I told her "I'm sorry aunt for our rudeness but a matter of great importance needs to be examined by you."

She asked us to explain and we did it later to have told her everything she jumped up saying "We must immediately take precautions guys communicated to the rest of the academy that from now on no one can get out of here without my express consent. battle: Prudence go round up the rest of the students in the great hall and you Ambrose go get your Aunt Hilda we'll need her. "

"He will be made aunt." I replied decisively, so did Prudence, both of us move quickly towards our duties.

Despite everything together againDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora