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Pov Sabrina

I knew I had reacted badly before Ambrose just wanted to talk to me but I got nervous and I dropped words on him that I didn't think at all, so now I have to try to make the best of things between us.

Aunt Zelda after our little conversation went to the kitchen while I went up the stairs to Ambrose's room. From the entrance to the room I could clearly see sitting on the bed covering his face with his hands, I must have really hurt him.

I go in and ask in a low voice "Can I come in for a moment?"

He said in a distressed tone "Aunt Zelda I'm not in the mood to talk ..."

"I'm not Zelda." He looked up at me and not expecting to see me he asked me "Sabrina what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on your way back to hell?"

I replied "No, for the day I don't have any plans that involve me going back to hell and in any case I think that the nine groups will not cease to exist if I am absent for a day."

He continued to stare at me as if I were a ghost just appeared in his room to torment him asked me "So why are you here now since you have not been seen or heard for 15 years cousin?"

Directly I said to him "To apologize for not showing up so much lately and for yelling at you earlier. I want to fix things Ambrose that's all."

After making my intentions more than clear it was Ambrose's turn "I'm sorry cousin too for never trying to contact you before, I never tried because I was scared of your probable rejection."

I walked a few meters towards him and continued to listen to his declaration "Because I was afraid that if I had received your refusal it would really mean the end for us and I didn't want this Sabrina. without my little troublemaker around who kept asking me to save her from trouble. "

Moved by his words, I went even closer, Ambrose jumped to her feet and ran to hug me. He held me close to him as if he was afraid of losing me at any moment and whispered to me "Sabrina I just ask you not to disappear completely again when you leave here, I don't know if I could bear it."

I replied "Ambrose it won't happen I promise you."

After recovering from that moment, source of strong emotions for both of us, we started chatting as if nothing had ever happened, as if I had never really left, like years ago when everything was so more peaceful and less complicated than now. .

"Don't tell me that in all these years he has found another cousin to replace me with, right?"

I replied jokingly "Yes I found him and his name is Klaus. Together we had a lot of fun and we traveled a lot I didn't miss you at all."

Pretending to be hurt by him he put a hand on his chest and added "And that's not all I also have a younger brother named Goffredo."

Ambrose feigned in pain exclaimed wryly "And so it was that old cousin Ambrose was cast aside by her royal height of him just because she felt bored during the long years of his inscrutable reign."

We both laughed then when Ambrose became serious he asked me "A brother, really? Tell me about him."

As requested, I told him about my brother, then Ambrose told me that Archie was back and that they had become very close in this last period. "How did you get close Ambrose" I asked, looking at him mischievously.

He simply replied "In friendship I mean. How else do you think we should have reunited Sabrina?"

I can't believe how blind my cousin can be, how does he not notice it yet?

Despite everything together againTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang