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Pov Sabrina

Someone came into my room while I was preparing my belongings for my imminent departure tomorrow so I turned to see who it was and saw Rebecca.

Perfect! Just what it took today to improve my day.

I asked her cordially "What can I do for you?"

Rebecca slowly approaches me and said "I came here to apologize to you for yesterday, I didn't know that Goffredo wanted to organize something like this for me and having learned of your reaction to it I wanted to fix things."

Hoping that it was not a formalization speech, style I ask your brother's hand, I pretended nothing and replied "What things?"

And Rebecca was stunned for a moment but then she said bravely, "Since I've just started a serious relationship with your brother, I really wanted the two of us to get along."

So I said "Come on you are not from serious relationships! Nobody judges you but we can wait a little longer to talk about serious relationship."

Rebecca replies "Sabrina to me he is special, he is different from the others he is a golden boy so young, so enthusiastic he would improve the days of any woman."

"Eh already comfortable. After having frequented the whole kingdom you choose a boy flower. Isn't it that I trust you so much and if you make him suffer? Because that's what you do, you break hearts."

Rebecca retorts "You can't keep it under a glass bell for life, sooner or later it had to happen."

I tell her what I think "Even if you hang out with my brother, it doesn't say anywhere that the two of us have to be friends."

Then Rebecca had a strange reaction ran to the bathroom and worried about her health I went to check. I saw her throwing up I held her hair to help her, it's okay I can't stand her but I'm not really without a heart.

When she finished, I asked her if she was okay, she replied that she had been with her for a few days already, so I recommended that she be seen by Gaius.

After having accompanied her to him I went thoughtfully to the palace library where I know for sure I will find Nicholas.


20 minutes later

When I arrived I saw him overwhelmed by books and concentrated I went against him, when I arrived at my destination I gave him a kiss that he returned.

"What are you doing?"

He cheerfully replied that he was reading some old books that told the history of this place and added "I found some toy country here there are avalanches of books and parchments with forbidden contents that I am all willing to read every single written word."

I felt like smiling at him is always the same hopeless nerd, I go sit next to him. "So do you like being here?"

He nodded looking at me in love, now that I have him here he has become more beautiful and my days have become happier. "

And he asked me "Are you happy to have me here?"

Io nodded and another kiss escaped me.

"You'll never guess who came to see me today."

Nicholas put the book on the table and invited me to tell him everything. "Just think, Rebecca came to see me to apologize for yesterday's episode and at a certain point I really thought she was going to ask for my brother's hand."

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