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The day after

Pov Sabrina

It is 10 in the morning and there is still no trace of my aunt, Gaius and I are waiting for my aunt Hilda at the meeting point fixed yesterday by us by mutual agreement which is located not far from Rosalind's house.

I just hope that in the meantime we wait, someone I know does not pass by here and recognize me otherwise I cannot imagine how many problems this could result.

Gaius asked me "How soon is your aunt expected to arrive?"

I replied "In a short time you should be here, be patient."

After a few moments of silence Gaius asked me "Did you hear the good news regarding Rebecca?"

No and I don't want to know her especially after her for having hurt my brother in that way, if I saw her around I don't know what I would do to her but for sure something very bad.

"Didn't you know? My brother and Rebecca's Babylonian broke up yesterday, she cheated on him with a random stranger."

He nodded his head no, then curiosity took over and I asked him what news was. He replied "Maybe it is better if she is the same girl who will inform you about the matter."

Gaius with this sentence put a lot of anxiety and agitation on me, I don't know yet what kind of trouble this news will bring but I foresee that it will be shocking news.

Before I could ask Gaius any further questions about it, my Aunt Hilda arrived.

I walked towards my aunt and greeted her "Hi aunty, how are you?"

She replied wearily "I'm fine honey, you know I think your aunt has instigated Ambrose to follow me because everywhere I go I see your cousin trying to blend in without success."

My satan! What level has my Aunt Zelda gone to for Ambrose to do the dirty work?

Ambrose is very gifted in many things but in being a secret agent I just can't imagine him.

"Is it to sow Ambrose that you are so weary aunt?"

She nodded. "I'm really sorry aunt that to do me a favor, so as not to find out about my presence here, you have to do all these races."

She reassured me by telling me that she wasn't just doing it for me but also for herself because she doesn't want to witness her enraged sister's scenario.

Having said that I introduced Gaius to my Aunt Hilda and we all went to Rosalind's house.


Pov Sabrina

"You two will now go to Rosalind and do what you have to do to help her while I will stand out here waiting for you."

Confused by what I said to her she asks me "Sorry honey but aren't you coming with us?"

I said no that I could not risk Rosalind discovering me thanks to her gift of foresight, she signaled to me that she understood while they went away inside her someone came behind me.



Pov Hilda

Last night I phoned the Kinkles to inform them that today I would be passing with a friend who could help them, they welcomed the news with real joy but they had warned me sweet Harvey would not be present for the whole day.

Despite everything together againDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora