"Hope the arrangement for the wedding is going well." He asked mom, showcasing his pearly white teeth, reaching over to caress her hand. He had always made sure to tell me the little things he doesn't like about her, or whenever she tries too hard to shove herself into his personal space. But deep down, he doesn't have any bad blood for her. Nor has she ever given him one to begin with.

Her face brightened, but she held back on the massive details because dad wouldn't like that. She will talk Ruslan's ear off when Dad is out of earshot. My loyal brother again took one for the team.


"What are you going to tell Gaia now?" Ruslan asked, facing me as we were sitting over the bonnet of my car looking over the east river. Our city. Apart from a few gullible tourists, the New Yorkers maintained a distance from where we stood. While Ruslan's handsome face attracts women like a moth to a flame, my company scares most of them away.

I rub my jaw in discomfort, in annoyance. Why couldn't he shut his fucking mouth like he was for the past twenty minutes?

"I don't know if she knows anything about her parents. I don't want to live in the past." I groan, keeping my voice low.

"And the future? She deserves to know. Valerius-" I cut his bullshit off, pushing his chest. Ruslan swayed back a fraction, not expecting this reaction from me in public. The flashing of red and blue lights swims in our vision as the patrol car slows down. The rookie looks over at us from his car, his one hand looming over the radio.

He is not on our payroll. New York has too many fucking cops. Those who hold the ranks know us, fear us. If one of our men gets caught by a patrol officer, then he is no good to the Bratva. Fixing our jackets, Ruslan and I turn, standing to our full height, tossing a menacing glare on their way to come and get us. Those pussies drive off.

"In the future, I just have to confess that I am not a monster. Make her agree to marry me. I don't want to keep her in the dark, but what the fuck am I supposed to tell her?" I roar. Ruslan looked taken aback. He hadn't expected me to answer him. But he is my fucking confidante.

As we had planned, we discreetly swerved the topic towards the Camorra, needing to learn their reaction to the abduction. But my thoughts still stirred towards the conversation that could change everything between Gaia and me.

"Sergei, Sergio whatever his name is. He is a mob Napoleon. I-" I spoke about Gaia's father when I jolted out of shock regarding the current situation in the Camorra father told us about. I was beginning to speak with pride as though I hero-worship him. But my words were cut short as my father slammed his fists on the table, rattling mom's precious dinnerware.

"How dare you, Kazimir. Is that bitch feeding you this bullshit?" he lashed out, gnashing his teeth. His face turned red from anger. He always acts like a bear with a sore head when the highest nuisance has angered him, but his anger today seemed out of place. Even if Gaia had said something, it never would have made me feel differently toward him. My plan to put a bullet through his chest would have remained the same.

"No, father. I'm only speaking about what I have heard. I know nothing of the past. I respect you so I didn't ask, but I felt a little like fucking fool when you mentioned him at the meeting."

"You never asked." Dad grumbles, slicing his lamb roast.

"I am asking now." I demand. Dad's nostrils flared in anger. From the corner of my eye, I spot Rusaln reaching for his gun, but my hands remain holding my fork leisurely so I don't pose any threat in my father's eyes.

"Uncle Vasili was going to marry Gaia's mother, Renata." I state. Mom opened her mouth, her face told me that she was going to counter me. But Dad held her forearm and barked on her face to get out. Mom scurried out like her life depended on it. Ruslan and I throw each other a quick glance. I was stunned at his outburst. I have never seen him verbally abuse my mother or even lay a finger on her before. She did things his way, and that was the only thing my father had expected her to do, apart from not allowing other men to touch her. Not even the tradition of kissing her knuckles was allowed.

Pressing his palms flat on the table, he pushed to his feet. Leaning down, he levelled me with a hating glance. "You went behind my back?" He roars.

My neutral expression doesn't waver as I shake my head. "I heard this a long time ago."

"Sergei's father was obschak of the bratva when your grandfather ruled. He was sharp like his father, but he couldn't fight." He tsked, face twisting into a grimace.

"It was Orlov's idea to form an alliance with Azzaros. They were richer than God. Already operating in Nevada for 30 years. He sent his son an asset so Duran Azzaro would begin to trust us. But he married Gaia's mother." he spat, leaving the room like the devil was on heels. I know I had lost. He is still hiding something and I might never be able to find that out.

"Dad is leaving for Russia tomorrow. His spies will be alert, so don't you fucking dare meet Lebedev." Ruslan reminds me. I give him an edged look, though I'm uncertain if I would have been discreet. This fucking truth. I never should have opened my mouth in the first fucking place. But my curiosity had gotten the best of me.

"I will call my source in the Camorra. See what he knows. We can't trust a fucking word Father had said. Not one." He emphasizes that last part. I give him a curt nod. If I believe it is not the truth, I will be able to face Gaia.

"They are trying to hide what happened. It won't be easy." I point, flicking my lighter in my nervous habit. It has been 2 years since I had last lit a cigarette after hearing Gaia's Insta live, her repulse toward the nicotine buds.

"He didn't agree to an easy job, anyway. He has a death wish. He will find out." He spoke with pride in his tone.

"You seem so confident. How do you know him?" I fish for details again. It was one of the few things Ruslan won't confide me in. He deserves to have his secrets but I wish he knew I had kept none from him...

"The biggest enemy of a spy is his own recruiter, Kazimir. I let him know he will either show up with an answer or in a body bag." He spoke over his shoulder, leaving me alone with my guilt. I had all my life to set up a perfect plan, yet it never fucking occurred to me to have a mole inside the Camorra.

 I had all my life to set up a perfect plan, yet it never fucking occurred to me to have a mole inside the Camorra

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I would love it if you checked out my other stories, 'Aurora's Aura' 'Billion Dollar Wedding' 'Violet Hues' 'Becoming Romeo' & ''Mafia & Miss Honey'. The story link is on my profile  

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