Past, horrible news, worst nightmare ever and Kaguya

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Tobirama pov

As I intrupted Naruko by kissing for showing how do I care about her. I placed my hand on Naruko's head and began to kiss a bit little depen, but continue holding Narukos waist. After we kissed I saw tears on her eyes. "W-what is it?" I ask worridly. "I-it's nothing to wo-" "Tell what's wrong. This time you will telling not by me who forcing." I said and holding her tightly, that she wil not run away.

Naruko pov

As Tobirama kissed me, that made me remember when Sasuke found out I was girl when I tried to get him back for Sakura. He raped me and I didn't wanted my friend child, so I stabbed my self to abort the kid. Kurama agreed about, so he healed my wound, but Sasukes child died since I stabbed on my stomach.

After I told him about it, I couldn't look at his face because were scared, I heard him sighed and then laid my head on his chest. "Calm down, I'm not mad at you because of that." Tobirima said and hugging me little bit tightly.

A year later

I was walking around the forest, because why not? Tobirama become Hokage tittle, and I didn't saw Madara for a while. Hm, oh now I remember that he wanted to become Hokage, so he maybe is cool down or..- No, he will bring Kurama when he comes back. "Good luck to him, because past has fused with me." Kurama said. "I guess, good thing you will be with me my friend, and next generation be better dattebayo." I said. Kuama nodded. "Usuratonkachi!" Heard that oice what I didn't wanted to hea. "Sasuke! How you-" "I forced your jinchuriki friends to send me past. And they knew by your tailed beast who can go to our time said that you still alive." Sasuke said and that hit me where that idiot disipeared for a long time. "What you need from me Sasuke?" I ask him. "Of course I will bring you back to our time." Sasuke said, but don't want to come back to present time. "I will not." I said. "And why?" Sasuke ask as he crossed his arms. "Maybe because I want to change the future that everyone has good life and for jinchuriki who were treated badly." I said. "You really an idiot usuratonkachi." Sasuke said. "Well, I have no other choice but to hurt you and get your back!" Sasuke said as he took his sword and ran to me! "Shut up you human." heard Kaguya's voice. 'Wait Tobirama said that she vanish inside of me!' I thought "And your not going to bring her back to present time, this girl will change all jinchuriki lives and others. So don't even thnk about it." Said Kaguya, I looked back and saw my shadow formed like Kaguya Otsutsuki! As she swonged her hand, she made Sasuke flew away and he disipeared. "Before you go! Didn't you vanish inside of me?!" I ask angrily. "Yes, but with Yin release I can be in your shadow. I don't have much time, I'm glad that you want to change lives to people who are ike you." Kaguya said with happily voice. And then she disippered on my shadow.

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