Meeting with Mito, Tobirama and strange felling

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Naruko pov

"What an big house." I said as I looked around. "I guess, you for the first time see those house." Hashirama-sama said. "Yea, that's true Hashirama-sama." I said and scratching my head. "Just Hashirama please. Well, I'm coming soon, please be here." Hashirama said as he went. 'Intresting what he will do?' I thought.

Hashirama pov

"Mito~" I called my wife. "Hashirama? Do you have a day off?" Mito asks. "No, but I wanted you to meet someone." I said. "Is that so? And who is it?" Mito asks. "Wait and see, Naruko!" I called Naruko's name. As I called her, Naruko came. "And who are you swetie?" Mito asks. "Um....well..... I'm Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze......." Naruko said, I would be too nervous because of look. "What?! You are Uzumaki even with blonde hair!" Mito said with shock. "Y-yeah." Naruko said. "Your so cute without the red hair!" Mito said as she hugged Naruko tightly. "Hashirama, can she live with us?" Mito asks. "That what I wanted that she can live with us...." I said. "Good, but why she has bandgage?" Mito asks. "Oh, doctors say that she need two day to wear it." I said. "Oh, well then. I can make some dress to you Naruko." Mito said. "Uuuh.....o-ok?" Naruko said.

The next day

Naruko pov

'Man, one more day, and say goodbye to the stupid bandage.' I thought as I woke up and got up from futon. "Oh, good morning Naruko. How you slept?" Mito asks. "Wonderfull." I said with biggest smile I did. "I'm glad. Here is the dress." Mito said as she gave me the dress. "Thanks." I said. "Well, I'm going out. Come out as you are done." Mito said. "Yes, dattebayo." I said.

5 minutes later

I sat on the becnh outside the garden. Mito said that I look cute with the dress.

Just imagine behind the dress has the Uzumaki symbol clan

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Just imagine behind the dress has the Uzumaki symbol clan

Well all my life I was weared manly clothes, but to be honest I like that dress. Intresting too, why Kaguya is so quite, not even say a word. I sighed loundly. "Leave me alone big brother!" Heard someone yelled. 'Who can it be?' I thought and went inside the house. As I walked in, I saw a silver hair man. As I saw him, I don't know why my heart beating really fast. "Naruka-chan!" Hashirama yelled as he ran to me and huged me tightly! "H-H-Hashirama! I-I-I c-c-can't breathe!" I said as Hashirama continue hugging me tightly. "Naruko-chan! Tobirama-chan is mean to me!" Hashirama whined. "Hey let her go!" Tobirama-sama said with deadly tone, that made me shiver of fear. "And one more question, who are you?" Tobirama-sama asks. "I'm Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze dattebayo." I said. "You? Uzumaki? Don't make me laugh." "Oi! Thats true!" I yelled at him! "Tobirama-chan, that's true. And we can talk in privately." Hashirama said. "Fine." Tobirama-sama said.

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