Bonus Chapter- Sariah

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Camilla Cortes' Point of View:

3 years later

I stared at my baby girl as she and her cousin ran away from Luke. She was such a beauty and I knew with those looks she could be a heartbreaker when she got older. But my baby was such a softie unless someone provoked her for it then she became feisty and I loved her feistiness, when it wasn't directed at me of course. She had her dad wrapped around her tiny little fingers and he didn't even realize it. I couldn't help but think back to the day she was born. 


It was the day of my baby shower. I was currently 34 weeks pregnant and I could pop at any given moment. The baby shower was beautiful Nate and Alex did a great job of planning it even though they had a lot of drama dealing with right now. I told them that Luke and I would have no problem planning it since it was for our child after all but they shut down that idea quickly and I was kind of glad that they did because I loved how the evening turned out.

The baby shower was held at one of Nate's hotels and it was beautiful. When Luke and I arrived I couldn't help but be blown away from the decorations and the helium filled balloons that spelled out the word 'baby girl'. My emotions were a wreck after seeing that. Luke looked just as emotional. This was real, we were going to be parents very soon. I was still a bit nervous but I knew I didn't have to worry because Luke would be with me.

My eyes scanned the room and widened in surprise when I saw Cassie standing there with a smile on her face. I was overjoyed to see her. We have been exchanging texts and calls but I wasn't sure that she would be able to make it but I was glad that she did. She has quickly become like a sister to me and I love her dearly. 

The night ended with us receiving many gifts for ourselves and for the baby of course. I was currently in the nursery looking around. The room was painted in a pretty baby pink color with flowers painted at the base of the walls to give the illusion of a garden. It was beautiful and calming to look at. As I looked around at all the unopened stuff I sighed. Luke wouldn't be much help with them since he had a meeting he couldn't miss. I could always wait but I wanted the room to be cleared out before the baby gets here, which is why Alex was on her way to help me. 

I took up one of the bags dropping it quickly when a sharp pain hit my side. A second later I could feel water running down my thigh.

"No, no, not now," I mumbled to myself as I tried to maintain my breathing. 

I paced back and forth to help with the pain before I reached for my phone. I quickly dialed Luke's number but it went to voicemail. I immediately called Alex instead with hope that she was near to the house. 

I could hear the dial tone as I waited, "come on Alex, please answer the phone"


"Oh Alex I'm so glad you answered," I breathed deeply "where are you?"

"I'm pulling up outside your house," she paused "is everything okay you sound out of breath?"

"My water just broke," I gritted my teeth as a contraction wracked my body.

"Oh damn it," she hung up.

Did she really just hang up on me? I tried calling Luke again but it went to voicemail. What the hell was he doing that was so important that he couldn't answer me? I was blinded by the pain that I didn't even hear when Alex's car pull up. About a minute later I could hear her running up the stairs. 

"Marco," she shouted.

"Polo," I laughed as I yelled back to her. She really knew how to make the best out of any situation. 

"Here you are," she grumbled as she walked over to me.

"How are we doing?" she asked. 

"Great," I mumbled as she helped me down the stairs. We left the hospital bag at the door so we wouldn't forget so I told her to grab it.

She closed the door behind her and helped me get into the car. She made sure I was as comfortable as I could be before she drove off to the hospital. 

"Where's Luke?" she asked me.

"He had a meeting I already tried calling him"

I could just see her rolling her eyes as she tapped her screen and told Siri to call Nate. 

"Hi baby," he answered. 

"Is your idiotic brother nearby?" she rushed out.

"Umm yeah," he mumbled. 

"put him on the phone"

A second later I could hear Luke's voice as he said hello. Just then another contraction hit and I clenched my teeth to hold back my cry but he heard me.

"Camilla love what's wrong?"

"She's in labor dipshit we're already outside the hospital," she growled "answer your phone next time"

I could hear Luke curse loudly before Alex hung up on him.  Alex ran to one of the nurses who had a wheelchair and led her over to me. They brought me inside and straight to the emergency room while Alex filled out the paperwork. Luke's office was around fifteen minutes away so I wasn't sure if he would make it because the baby was coming and she was being quick about it. The doctor checked me and said I was too far dilated to receive an epidural. Natural birth it is then. It was when the doctor told me that I was ready to start pushing that Luke finally entered the room. I was mad yet relieved to see him. 

"I'm  so sorry love," he mumbled "my phone died"

I simply nodded accepting his apology. I was just glad that he didn't miss me giving birth to our daughter. 

Exactly forty minutes later Luke and I welcomed our daughter into the world, Miss Sariah Faye Williams. 

End of Flashback

I jumped when I felt arms wrap around my waist. Luke leaned in to press a kiss to my neck.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked curiously. 

I turned around to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I was thinking about how we make beautiful babies"

He grinned at me and kissed me deeply, "want to make another one?"

He was shocked yet happy by my answer, "we already did"

"Really?" he asked excitedly. I nodded much to his delight. 

He pulled me into another kiss and turned me to face Sariah just as she ran up to us. I picked her up into my arms and Luke pulled us in to a group hug. 

I love my life. 


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