CHAPTER 18: Positive

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Camilla Cortes' Point of View:

"It's positive, Alex its positive"

"That's awesome I'm going to be an aunty"

"You don't understand Alex I didn't plan for this to happen," I sighed as I felt my body sink to the floor. I suddenly felt so tired. The revelation of actually being pregnant was daunting.

She sat beside me on the floor and tried to comfort me, "I understand that you didn't plan this but it happened and now your pregnant. I know it is not ideal but you've always wanted a family"

I smiled at that, she was right. I have always wanted a family. A family I could call my own. Being adopted and then forced into foster care really brought out the craving to belong to to a home. But it wasn't just about me. I had to consider Luke's feelings in all of this. After all he is the father of the baby. What would he say? What would he do? I'm so scared that he wouldn't want to be with me anymore. What if he thought I trapped him to be with me? 

I spoke of my fears to Alex hoping she would have the answers, "What about Luke? Alex we haven't known each other long and now I'm pregnant with his kid"

She breathed deeply before speaking, "Luke played a part in this too honey, he must have known that this could happen. From what I've seen you two have a good thing going and I'm sure he'll stick around for his kid"

"That's what I'm afraid of the most," I cried "what if he stays with me just cause I'm pregnant?"

"Luke wouldn't do that," she implored me to listen "he wouldn't be with you unless he wanted to"

"What if he doesn't want to?" I asked sadly "what if he doesn't want to be with me anymore?"

"I'd offer to kill him for hurting you but my niece or nephew needs a father," she jokingly said "Trust me Cam, Luke would be a fool to miss out on all you have to offer"

I smiled. Alex always knew what to say to make me feel better. Now I just needed to figure out how I was going to tell him. How do you tell your boyfriend of less than a month that your pregnant with his kid?

"I think I'm going to call him," I burst out as I rose to my feet "I just need to hear his voice"

She got up too and gave me a quick hug, "make sure not to tell him over the phone"

"I won't," I laughed at her. 

I speed walked to my room and grabbed my phone off of the bed. I sat down and scrolled through my contact list until I found Luke's name. Taking a deep breath I clicked on his number and dialed it.

After two rings I heard his voice, "Camilla"

My thighs clenched on its own as his deep and husky voice sent shivers right down my spine and to my core, "Luke"

"Is everything okay love?" he asked.

"Everything is great," I smiled but then realized he couldn't see me "I just wanted to hear your voice"

He chuckled softly and I swear even his laugh is sexy, "I miss you"

My breath got caught in my throat just from having him say that.

"I miss you too," I whispered feeling as if my voice was stuck in my throat. 

"Be ready in three hours," he breathed out "Pack a small bag your staying with me this weekend"

"Okay," I agreed instantly not missing the opportunity to see him.

"I can't wait to see you," with that he hung up. 

Well damn! I packed a bag before going out to find Alex to let her know I wouldn't be home for the weekend. I found her in her room laying in bed and typing away on her phone. I rest my body against the door and watched as she smiled brightly at her phone. By that smile alone I could tell that she was talking to Nathan. She deserved to be happy and I'm beyond glad that he makes her smile. 

"Nathan must have a way with words if you're grinning like this," I snickered when she jumped her phone falling out of her hands.

"I didn't see you there"

"Of course you didn't," I mumbled and walked into the room. I plopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"How'd it go with Luke?" she asked as she laid down beside me.

"It's went great, he said he missed me"

"See you have nothing to worry about," she nudged me on the shoulder.

"Maybe your right"

"I am right," she laughed "now you just have to figure out how you're going to tell him"

"I want to do it this weekend since I'm staying with him"

"Awesome," she grinned at me as she typed away on her phone "Nathan and I will have the place all to ourselves"

"Too much information," I fake gagged.

She just rolled her eyes and set the phone down. It got quiet as we were lost in our own thoughts. I had to think of a way to tell Luke he was going to be a father. I didn't want to come off as too happy because it would probably seem as if I planned it. If I appear to be sad about it he might think I don't want the baby because it wasn't planned, and I definitely didn't want to do it in a way to said I didn't care what he thought. 

I turned over so I could face Alex and see her reaction to what I was about to ask her, "how do you think I should tell him?"

She thought it over for a second before speaking, "Honestly Camilla I think you should just say it, maybe bring the test with you and show it to him. Whatever feels right that's what you should do"

"Whatever feels right," I repeated her words "Thank you Alex"

I spent the next two hours asleep for some reason I was really tired. I asked Alex to wake me up half an hour before Luke got here so I would have time to freshen up. I opened my Pinterest and started to look around on baby stuff. At exactly six o'clock there was a knock on the door.

I looked through the little peep hole and saw that it was Luke. I quickly opened the door and pulled him into a hug.

His smile mirrored my own as he kissed me gently on the forehead, "I'm so glad that you're here"

"Is everything okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Everything's perfect," I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"Everything's perfect," I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him

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