Sheith~ Marriage / Divorce

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3rd person POV-

After four years in space the paladins headed back to earth for the first time. Shiro who hadn't been to earth in six years was both exited and nervous to return home. He was nervous because before he went on the Kerberos mission he and his Husband Adam had a fight about him going and they broke things off but that's not what made him nervous, what made him nervous was the fact that he and Keith the teen he and Adam took in where now dating and had been for two of the four years they spent in space together along with the other former cadets now paladins of Voltron.

Shiro's POV-

Were almost at earth and I'm getting more nervous by the second. How is Adam going to react when he finds out that I'm dating Keith. I'm also a little nervous because we never technically finalized the divorce as I didn't have enough time before I left for Kerberos so we were going to do it when I returned but of course I was kidnaped by the galra so never returned until now.

Keith- Are you alright baby..?

Shiro- Oh um yeah, sorry i was lost in my thoughts.

Keith- What were you thinking about..?

Shiro- What Adam will think about me and you dating. I mean we never even finalized the divorce. I guess I'm just worried about what he will think and say. Silly I know...

Keith- That's not silly Shiro its ok, I'm a little nervous too ... not that I would ever admit that though. And anyway you guys already agreed to getting a divorce you think he changed his mind...?

Shiro- Well everyone thought I died along with the other members of the Kerberos mission so I'm not sure. Anyway even if he has changed his mind he's to late because I only want to be with you Keith.

Keith- Aww babyyyy *he says sarcastically* no but really I love you and I hope you don't let how he feels about you or about us change the way you feel about me.

Shiro- I would never let that happen. I love you too and I always will Keith. Always.

After talking with Keith I feel slightly better but I'm still nervous how is he going to react I mean of course Keith's of legal age he's slightly older than the other paladins plus he went through the quantum abyss making him age differently. He's 19 and I'm 28 so I'm not that much older really... right....

Time skip (arriving on earth)

Keith's POV-

We finally arrived on earth of course we were greeted by most of the staff from the garrison and that's when I saw him.... Adam he looked shocked and to be honest a little confused. I walked over to Shiro who was talking to commander Iverson and told him about Adam and maybe now was a good time to tell him.

Shiro- Are you sure now is a good time...?

Keith- Let's just get it over with Shiro. There's no point dragging out the inevitable.

Shiro- Ok your right let's do this. Just like ripping a plaster of right ..?

Keith- Yeah exactly, the slower you go the more it hurts.

Shiro- Hey Adam it's Umm good to see you....

Adam- Where the hell have you been, they said you were dead.... ?

Shiro- It's a long story, one for another time. I want to tell you that me and Keith are dating we have been for two years. I'm sure you haven't changed your mind about the divorce but I just wanted you to know that I haven't either.

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