𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 : 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬.

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September 29th, 2005
Abby-12, Harry-18 

HIGH-PITCHED giggles and a cacophony of cheesy pop tunes could be heard from Sammy's room making Harry begrudgingly put his headphones to block out the noises. 

He had his A-levels in a month and could do without all the disturbances. However, that wasn't possible.

It was Sammy's 12th birthday today and she had decided that she wanted her entire class present - excluding boys because of her newfound hatred towards the gender after the end of her 3-week relationship. So, all Harry could do was put his damn headphones in and play some brown noise he got off of YouTube.

He knows he's supposed to be the mature older brother but it was truly unbearable organizing this party for his sister that had picked up on a bratty attitude she thought to be cool. Their mum, asked him to be patient, saying it will pass as she threw a fit about how her balloons were pink and not blue. 

He internally groaned knowing he'd be called out in a few minutes to cut the fancy vanilla cake he was made to order 15 days ago and would have to smile for a picture as all of Sammy's little friends gawked. He hated those little spoiled girls.

Well, not all of them. Not Abigail of course. She was nicer than all of them.

The thought of her made him roll his wheeled chair towards his door and carefully peek out to see if she was here yet. He strained his ears to see if he could detect her voice although even if she was here he wouldn't know. Abby was a quiet girl, especially in front of a crowd. 

He had caught onto that when she had come over a month ago for the garden party his mum threw. She looked so out of place, so shy. She had asked him quietly when she saw him if she looked alright which was silly he thought; because he thought she was the prettiest person he had ever met and he thought she knew. Someone as beautiful as her should know.

"You look great, Abby!" He had answered which made her say a meek 'thank you' back before she was dragged away by his sister. He felt annoyed he didn't get to talk to her more.

Bring. Bring.

His blackberry buzzed. Harry picked up the glossy, black device and looked at the screen glowing with blue light that read 'Devon'.

His thumb jabbed into one of the buttons, receiving his call.


"Hey mate, Drew and I were thinking to go to that new pub on Ernst Street, D'you wanna come?"

"Pub? Now?" 

"Can't fucking study anymore, man. It's fucking dead horrible."

"Well, I can't either way. Sister's birthday and all."

"So what? Not like you're gonna be around poppin' balloons or some shit."

"Mum will give me an earful, mate."

"Oh my God," his friend exasperated. 

Harry opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the shouts of his mother calling me out.

"Gotta go."

"Haz-" Devon began but Harry had already cut the call and gotten up from his chair.

He adjusted his clothes that were rumpled up after hours of sitting hunched over his notes.

As he walked closer to the elaborate dining room, the screams and laughter of the herd of girls that had gathered in his home got louder. A headache had already begun to creep, his head aching because of muted throbs.

Luxury | Harry Styles AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora