𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝.

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"It's you, it's you, it's all for you. Everything I do."


THE morning was cool in southern England and Harry laid sprawled on the divan in his stone veranda as he took in lazy drags from his cigarette.

His mind, as usual, was on Abigail.

Her arrival was fast approaching and he felt those boyish butterflies in his stomach at the thought of seeing her again after all these months spent apart.

When she had gone out to University in France he knew her absence would be heavy on him but the reality was far worse.

He longed to see her again and hear her voice speak to him with the softness it carried.

"God," the 29-year-old sighed out, raking his fingers through his chestnut curls and letting his head fall back on the cushion supporting his neck. The night hadn't favoured him, he was only able to rest scarcely.

Between his ring clad finger he loosely held a pen that hovered over a blank, unmarked page in his leather bound journal. During earlier hours he seemed to have so many thoughts crowding his mind but now he couldn't form a single one into a sentence.

Harry sighed deeply.

The birds tweeted from the aged trees that blanketed the Regency-style mansion. A woman dressed in simple clothes quickly walked up to her drowsy employer and said, "Mr. Styles, a package is here. They wish for your signature., they won't take mine."

With furrowed eyebrows Harry rose, his limbs fatigued and aching reminding him of his age once again. Or of his insomnia. These days he didn't know.

Without Abby, days and nights and minutes and seconds seemed to all blur and loose substance; and so did he himself.

Okay, thanks Marie," he replied and slowly walked to the foyer where a man stood holding a sizeable package in his hands.

"Mr. Styles, I presume. Please sign here."

Harry hummed and scribbled his name on the paper taking the tape-wrapped box from the guy who was clearly intimidated by the notorious, towering man.

"Have-have a good day."

Harry couldn't bother to reply as his long fingers quickly began unwrapping the package, excited to see the items inside.

August 17th, 2008. 

"Harry?" Young Abigail Mathers chimed. She was sitting under one of the many willow trees inside the Styles grounds with her best friend's brother sprawled lazily on the grass in front of her. 

"Abby," he replied with a gentle smile. He was basking in the sliver of sunlight that peaked through the august clouds and the company of the girl he loved like his very own family. More than his family really. He loved her so much that he was left dumbfounded as to why.

"What do you wanna do now?"

He knew what 'now' she was referring to. The gap year he had planned to take had turned into four and eventually she dropped out, leaving everyone gravely concerned. Everyone's concern bothered him but Abby's didn't.

He knew she only asked because she cared for him with all her heart. Her family was not well off and they have had financial struggles for as long as they can remember. He knew Abigail carried the weight of her future even though she was only 15, she has carried it since she was 10 years old, in her room, studying all day to get into the school she was in now cause her parents couldn't pay for it. And maybe even before that.

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