𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 : 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐬.

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"Passed down like folk songs
The love lasts so long."


THANK you for flying with France Airways," the lady in the intercom chimed. However, none of the passengers even bothered to look up as they piled onto the aisles and rushed to get their bags out.

Meanwhile, Abigail Mathers started getting anxious as bodies pushed each other and arms and legs thudded against every surface. Voices and crying children made the passenger plane seem smaller than it actually was.

A few rows in front of Abby an unfortunate turn of a man's head knocked over a young girl's purse from which items tubbled out in loud clanks. 

Her stomach churned knowing she'd have to wait even longer now to get out the plane.

 Things would've definitely been easier if she had taken up Harry's offer to pay for a first-class seat. However, traveling for such a relatively small time at such a cost seemed like a waste of money. So she got herself a coach ticket and even though right now she felt panic scratch at her throat, she didn't exactly regret it. 

Finally, after getting out of the plane she finished the usual procedure of baggage claim and customs before making her way to her assigned Arrivals gate that was overflowing with people fresh out off of the sky.

"Abby!" A loud, womanly voice screeched and she broke out in the brightest grin. Her eyes watered a little as she watched her mother barrel towards her like a woman on a mission. 

Warm arms embraced the young girl tightly and laughter spewed out from the mother-daughter duo.

"Oh my God, did you grow?" Jamie asked her daughter with widened eyes. 

The younger girl chuckled at her mother's antics and shook her head, "Mum I'm 19, I don't think I'll grow anymore."

"Oh hush! I'm sure there's a few inches extra there," she replied dismissively.

"Come one, crazy gal," Abby said swinging an arm over her mum's shoulder while wheeling her suitcase towards the grey Audi. When they got inside Abigail's hands reached to fiddle with the radio to change stations.

"Harry's asked you over to dinner tonight, right? He asked me too but I have a shift."

Abby's heart thudded louder.

Harry was her best friend's brother and was practically family just like Sammy was. Young Abby was entranced the first time they met when she was just a kid. He wasn't anything like her brother who never talked to her and always was mad about something or the other.

No, he was the nicest boy ever and the prettiest too. She always thought of him to be the most beautiful boy. 

How could she not? He'd always listen to her and would always come to sit with her and Sammy and just talk about whatever they were currently fangirling over. He'd never make fun of them, not even during their twilight phases.

He'd even watch Disney movies over bowls of ice cream with them even though boys didn't usually watch that. He used to tell her that the other boys just didn't understand how badass Princesses were.

She had missed him a lot.


"Yes. He missed you, lovely. Phoned in once to ask me how I was doing."

"That's so nice of him," Abby sighed. Of course, he'd do that. He was the kindest person she knows. 

"Guess he knew you leaving would be hard on me," her mother said now an octave lower. 

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